I don't think it's fair to charge this card with the OP offense. It's just the next step in a progression of cards as I see it.
Right now, you upgrade your pillars to towers to get the bonus quantum in order to play creatures/spells/permanents a turn or 2 earlier. We have cards like precognition, sundials and hourglasses all allowing you to draw and play cards more quickly. Rustlers multiply quanta. With fractal, cards like devourer/pest not only deny but can supply massive amounts of quanta.
Essentially, a shard like this would allow you to pack fewer pillars and more of everything else but at the risk of not drawing it till late in the game. I think a fair comparison is to the hourglass but instead of emptying your hand full of pillars and using "hasten" to get to your creatures, you would already have the quanta you need to play the creatures in your hand. If anything, this card would broaden the possibilities of a

deck offers without necessitating you to use time itself.
So I think this shard is not truly OP but more of a nerf on existing cards. For example, it would partially nerf the abilities of

over other decks as the advantage of multiple draws would lessen slightly. Also, fractal decks which spam cheap creatures would also take a hit since you could play bigger hitters earlier with the help of SoP.
Just my 2 cents...