"Two more questions: what would happen if I, say, copy my Otty, and then devour some creature using the copy? Will the copy gain +1/+1, or 0/0 and just kill the devoured thing?
And how would mutating the original affect the copy? Like PU with current mutants - shadow becomes the same creature, but with a random A/D and a random skill, or shadow becomes an exact same mutant as the original?"
If you copy an otty, use the shadow otty to eat something, but not eat something with the original otty, the shadow otty will gain +1|+1 for that turn, but at the end of the turn it will go back to mirroring the original otty.
should this be cast on a mutant or a creature that is mutated, the shadow version will have the same attack/hp and skill, the link will be maintained.