Seems OT has spoken. Nevermind with my comment
wow, learn to think for yourself, ot is a good guy but not jesus.
Even if the idea isn't new, the card is good. Instead of posting useless criticism, it wouldn't be better to help him?
And, to be fair: when I was a newbie I've posted some card ideas just to discover after a while tons of cards with same idea/name/ happens! There are so many threads here that's impossible to know every single card, so it's easy to imagine that a new player can post something already posted or something similar...
PS: as Latins said, Repetita Iuvant
wasnt useless, i started out telling him it would be nice of him to drop it, the differences are insignificant. it is not bad to post an idea which has been posted before, it is bad to continue to go forward with the idea after it has been pointed out to the poster as having been thought of before.
The cards themselves are different. They have the same core concept, but there are differences between the two.
The card curator made a ruling here, and I think that pretty much settles the matter. I really don't know why you're so up in arms about this, moose. *shrug* I do think it would be classy for the makers of both cards to have a chat about the issue. Maybe collaborate on ONE card together, crediting them both if it ever gets accepted into the game? I think that would be the classiest way to go about it if majofa has an issue with his idea being "stolen".
again, the differences were insignificant. the core concept is the only thing that matters here. card curators can be wrong, his comments are a good example. i tried to be polite and informative to this poster but for whatever reason he, and now others, are suggesting to no longer respect other people as having had the idea first, simply because it wasnt 'submitted'. if the idea had been posted in the 'steal my idea' thread, that would be one thing, but it was posted elsewhere, firmly giving them 'dibs' on the idea. i did not claim the idea was 'stolen', but it would be wrong of him to continue further with this idea as it was not his first.