Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Level 2 - Forge => Card Ideas and Art => Forge Archive => Topic started by: OdinVanguard on June 08, 2012, 05:53:14 am

Title: Razor Disc | Chakram
Post by: OdinVanguard on June 08, 2012, 05:53:14 am
Razor Disc
2|1 when flying
Weapon (ranged): Deals 2 damage, 3 if mark is :aether or :entropy
0 throw: Deals 1 damage to a target and returns to hand.
4|2 when flying
Weapon (ranged): Deals 4 damage, 5 if mark is :entropy or :aether
0 throw: Deals 1 damage to a target and returns to hand.

Made as a semi-vanilla non-rare, non-elemental weapon for use with the martial training card.
Martial Training Series (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,41115.0.html)

Art / Concept Backgroud: Chakrams are throwing weapons from ancient India. They were sharpened, often ornate, metal rings. For those interested, see the webpage on Wikipedia:
Chakram on Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chakram)
Title: Re: Razor Disc | Chakram
Post by: Rutarete on June 08, 2012, 04:17:45 pm
Is the Throw damage blocked by damage reduction or reflected by reflective shields? Or neither?
Title: Re: Razor Disc | Chakram
Post by: TheAccuso on June 08, 2012, 04:20:06 pm
why aether mark advantage, it has yet thunderbolts, i'd will say life.
i misread, anyway i like the general concept of deal damage to a target and come back to your hand, very nice idea.
Title: Re: Razor Disc | Chakram
Post by: OdinVanguard on June 08, 2012, 04:25:33 pm
Is the Throw damage blocked by damage reduction or reflected by reflective shields? Or neither?
As I envision it, it should be doing physical damage when thrown so I would guess damage reduction from shields would apply.
I still need to add the bonus to martial training so maybe it could be physical without but the training will give a chance to do spell damage and bounce to multiple targets... that would link in the :aether and :entropy elements as well.
Any other ideas for the martial training bonus are welcome though.
Title: Re: Razor Disc | Chakram
Post by: Zaealix on June 09, 2012, 01:04:17 am
Hrm...While I do get the 'spell damage' idea, I feel like that would be better set to a wand, or some weapon typically associated with mages, instead of a chakam, which brings to mind throwing weapons...
Title: Re: Razor Disc | Chakram
Post by: Annele on June 09, 2012, 03:30:32 am
I like this idea, though 1 damage seems a bit weak. By the way, you don't need to add 'ranged' to the card text. It is sufficiant to add it to the notes.
Title: Re: Razor Disc | Chakram
Post by: OdinVanguard on June 10, 2012, 03:50:23 pm
Yes, the 1 damage is mostly to add a little flavor to the card to keep it from being too vanilla. It also gives a way to play other weapons without losing this one.
It occurs to me that it will be a rather poor choice for flying weapons.
Might be fun with crusaders though since it would act like a self cast reverse time (nice soft counter to CC).
With martial training, it will get a chance to bounce around, damaging other enemies. That should make it more of a threat.

I could bump the throw damage a little, I was just worried it would overshadow Owl's eye if I make it too large.
Title: Re: Razor Disc | Chakram
Post by: OdinVanguard on August 09, 2012, 11:10:16 pm
WOOT! My first card that's made it to Forge!
Title: Re: Razor Disc | Chakram
Post by: thesudanman on August 13, 2012, 10:37:00 pm
I like it. If I crusader the weapon, can I throw my crusader? :D
Title: Re: Razor Disc | Chakram
Post by: OdinVanguard on October 09, 2012, 08:10:23 pm
Kinky... but I would say, yes. So its like having a crusader w/ self rewind (sort of a soft anti-cc).
Title: Re: Razor Disc | Chakram
Post by: Submachine on August 11, 2014, 11:04:07 pm
This card is now in openEtG, though I haven't used it so far. I think it should be a useful splash in some decks, and if it is used when you have 7 cards in your hand, you can delay deckout with it.
Title: Re: Razor Disc | Chakram
Post by: dracomageat on August 11, 2014, 11:07:27 pm
A 1 for 1 damage to cost ratio with infinite reusability seems super strong. And in other no less.
One nova = 12 damage.
Title: Re: Razor Disc | Chakram
Post by: skyironsword on August 11, 2014, 11:10:58 pm
A 1 for 1 damage to cost ratio with infinite reusability seems super strong. And in other no less.
One nova = 12 damage.
Summoning sickness balances it.
Title: Re: Razor Disc | Chakram
Post by: dracomageat on August 11, 2014, 11:12:18 pm
Since when did weapons experience summoning sickness?
Title: Re: Razor Disc | Chakram
Post by: skyironsword on August 11, 2014, 11:16:58 pm
Since when did weapons experience summoning sickness?

A post on the Ragequit Factory thread:

Bottom Decked Eternity = Fail...  :(

+1 RT = Win...  ;)
The only reason a bottomdecked Eternity would fail to prevent deckout is because Eternity is unable to use its ability on the turn it is played.

Therefore, it experiences summoning sickness.
Title: Re: Razor Disc | Chakram
Post by: Fippe94 on August 11, 2014, 11:17:09 pm
Since always? Weapons can not use ability same turn on play, in both Elements and OEtG, and has been so forever as far as I know. Not sure what game you have been playing.
Title: Re: Razor Disc | Chakram
Post by: dracomageat on August 11, 2014, 11:18:12 pm
Maybe I'm just tired and stupid today then :(.
Title: Re: Razor Disc | Chakram
Post by: OdinVanguard on August 21, 2014, 02:44:05 am
It actually works pretty well in oEtG.
It lets any deck have a weak CC, but its definitely a very low key form of it.

Short of a weaponsmith or wasting animate weapons there is no way to get enough of em out at once to do more than harass small critters which would just be mass CC fodder anyway.