so i think i am missing the point of this- if you sacrifice a pillar, and in return gain +1 quantum per turn of that pillar's type, the net is 0? and all that is accomplished is that it will be easier to have your quanta production destroyed with PC?
Unupped :
Yes, that's sort of how it works. Ideally, you'd run Crowned Pillar in a trio/quartet for quantum fixing when your initial pillars/pendulums aren't getting the balance quite right - by using Crowned Pillar, you can not only keep your advantage but you can further divide your stacks. (Of course, this comes at the cost of placing higher risk on a crowned pillar). I'm aware this might make it UP, but 2-for-2 is the best way I can currently think of to balance this variant of the double pillar while keeping it different from the tower. (I also can't fit anything else into the text box, so whatever buff I might make will need to alter the current effect.)
Upped :
No. Crowned Tower sends the targeted card to the top of the deck, which allows you to replay the tower next turn and regain quantum advantage - if a Crowned Tower + Normal Tower combo executes successfully, you can pay 2 cards for 5
+ 3
every turn, giving quantum advantage over the opponent in the long run.