Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Level 2 - Forge => Card Ideas and Art => Forge Archive => Topic started by: blarp on July 30, 2012, 12:27:46 am

Title: Leech | Leech
Post by: blarp on July 30, 2012, 12:27:46 am
2 :water
1 | 1
:darkness : Leech Life
Drain 1 | 1 from the target and add 0 | 1 to Leech, double if the target is poisoned.
2 :water
2 | 2
:darkness : Leech Life
Drain 1 | 1 from the target and add 0 | 1 to Leech, double if the target is poisoned.

Trying to keep it simple. Thanks for everyones feedback!

3 :life
2 | 2
:water Borrow: Target two creatures; the first loses 1 hp and the second gains 1 to its maximum hp.
3 :life
2 | 3
:water Borrow: Target two creatures; the first loses 2 hp and the second gains 2 to its maximum hp.



Should be able to target self for the 2nd creature.
Doesn't have to use the ability every turn for the leech to work, so you can use this on a bunch of creatures at once to boost 1 of your guys.
Atm I don't think you should be able to target players themselves with this.

Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: blarp on July 30, 2012, 12:35:35 am
the upgraded 2 leech may be too much. should probably have  it still only drain 1 and instead reduce the creature cost.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: bobknows on July 30, 2012, 04:51:11 am
the upgraded 2 leech may be too much. should probably have  it still only drain 1 and instead reduce the creature cost.
I think this is just fine, other creature based cc(like parasite) is more powerful than this. My main concern is the double target; I think that the current coding dosent allow for it.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: blarp on July 30, 2012, 05:21:57 am
the upgraded 2 leech may be too much. should probably have  it still only drain 1 and instead reduce the creature cost.
I think this is just fine, other creature based cc(like parasite) is more powerful than this. My main concern is the double target; I think that the current coding dosent allow for it.

No that's why I suggested changing it. This is similar to parasite, but it just does double the amount of damage AND it heals. It could be offset by the cost but yeah.

I don't know about the double targeting :S Is there some place that lists coding restraints?
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: Drake_XIV on July 30, 2012, 05:10:36 pm
Double targeting is currently not allowed.

Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: artimies7 on July 30, 2012, 06:07:17 pm
Double targeting is currently not allowed.

Well, there you go.

Thematically, I would suggest this:
 :water: Target a creature. Rob it of one attack or one defense.

The ATK/DEF would be chosen by which is higher on the targeted creature. You gain one of that stat.

I would also suggest that you lower the attack to 0 | 1 starting out, but keep the defense level. This makes it more balanced.

If anyone argues OP, either raise the ability cost to  :water :water or lower the defense by one.

AFTERTHOUGHT:  :water for the ability: can you show your reasoning/arguments?

Nice avatar as well.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: dragonsdemesne on July 30, 2012, 11:17:03 pm
Double targeting is currently not allowed.

If that's true, it could just heal the Leech every time, so that you only need to target the creature being drained.  Water does seem a bit odd to me as well.  I'd lean towards darkness or death for the activation, but that's just me.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: OdinVanguard on July 30, 2012, 11:43:30 pm
I see this fitting better as :death and :water or :darkness and :water rather than :life and :water myself. Leeches are aquatic, so that works well, but stealing life from something else just seems to fit :death and :darkness best.
I personally would like to see it in :darkness and :water since there are no direct synergy cards as of yet. (i.e. no :darkness cards with :water abilities or vice versa).
Double targeting is currently not allowed.

If that's true, it could just heal the Leech every time, so that you only need to target the creature being drained.  Water does seem a bit odd to me as well.  I'd lean towards darkness or death for the activation, but that's just me.
I agree, seems to make sense this way too since real leeches do basically get fat by sucking the blood out of other animals.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: Drake_XIV on July 30, 2012, 11:50:14 pm
I'd actually see this as more as :water with :dark ...

And by buffing itself, it makes more thematic sense that buffing something else.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: blarp on July 31, 2012, 02:37:14 am
About the elements chosen, I just don't want this to end up a repeat of virus or parasite or chrysomething or whatever. so I'm cautious of using those as the base element.

darkness for the activation would be fine though.

Is there any way to make it so you can target 1 monster to drain hp and add it to leech, and another monster to target to drain hp from leech and add it to that one? simultaneously or not? I don't mean in 1 turn.

Should it leech more depending on the current hp? (drain would increase, hp increase would remain constant I think) Because if so, allowing it to target a player might open up the possibilities for some interesting decks.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: Drake_XIV on July 31, 2012, 02:41:56 am
This does not overlap with Chysaora, so I do not see the issue.  It's similar to Parasite and Toadfish because it deals one consistent damage, but Infection scales with use, so no issues with using it in :water .

Thematically, it makes no sense for any creature to benefit from Leech sans Leech.  They are parasitic creatures, so why would they ever be used to heal another.

I think leeching should be a constant.  No need to make any more complicated than it should be.  Heh, the irony...
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: blarp on July 31, 2012, 02:50:38 am
This does not overlap with Chysaora, so I do not see the issue.  It's similar to Parasite and Toadfish because it deals one consistent damage, but Infection scales with use, so no issues with using it in :water .

Thematically, it makes no sense for any creature to benefit from Leech sans Leech.  They are parasitic creatures, so why would they ever be used to heal another.

I think leeching should be a constant.  No need to make any more complicated than it should be.  Heh, the irony...

if sans is supposed to be french, I think you mean sauf. (Not to be bitchy, I was just curious enough to look up if you could use sans in that way and thought I'd let you know)

so :water with a :darkness cost. Certainly feasible.

Should it be able to target a player though?
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: buritosrfood on July 31, 2012, 03:00:57 am
what happens if it leeches a poisonous creature? will it become poisoned like otyugh does?
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: Drake_XIV on July 31, 2012, 03:02:17 am
I think it should target players and absorb all poison as well.  But not all the way.  Maybe one counter at a time.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: blarp on July 31, 2012, 03:03:00 am
what happens if it leeches a poisonous creature? will it become poisoned like otyugh does?

I'm leaning towards no just because.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: blarp on July 31, 2012, 03:03:34 am
I think it should target players and absorb all poison as well.  But not all the way.  Maybe one counter at a time.

hmmmmm. and give the poison counters to itself?
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: Drake_XIV on July 31, 2012, 03:06:37 am
I think it should target players and absorb all poison as well.  But not all the way.  Maybe one counter at a time.

hmmmmm. and give the poison counters to itself?

Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: furballdn on July 31, 2012, 03:53:50 am
I think it should target players and absorb all poison as well.  But not all the way.  Maybe one counter at a time.

hmmmmm. and give the poison counters to itself?

Another purify, only on a creature. Doesn't help that :water already has purify. One counter at a time is too slow, and all counters is too good and treads on purify.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: Drake_XIV on July 31, 2012, 03:57:53 am
Always subject to balance
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: blarp on July 31, 2012, 07:50:28 pm
I think it should target players and absorb all poison as well.  But not all the way.  Maybe one counter at a time.

hmmmmm. and give the poison counters to itself?

Another purify, only on a creature. Doesn't help that :water already has purify. One counter at a time is too slow, and all counters is too good and treads on purify.

drains 2 poison/hp against a poison'd creature/target? wouldn't effect sosac.  Not sure if I can fit all that on the card, but I think it would be fair.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: blarp on July 31, 2012, 07:52:10 pm
drain 1 hp from the target and add it to leech, 2 if the target is poisoned. Absorbs poison counters.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: artimies7 on August 01, 2012, 04:05:18 pm
Double targeting is currently not allowed.

Well, there you go.

Thematically, I would suggest this:
 :darkness: Target a creature. Rob it of one attack or one defense.

The ATK/DEF would be chosen by which is higher on the targeted creature. You gain one of that stat.

I would also suggest that you lower the attack to 0 | 1 starting out, but keep the defense level. This makes it more balanced.

If anyone argues OP, either raise the ability cost to  :darkness :darkness or lower the defense by one.

Nice avatar as well.

Editing my previous post to reflect the new element suggestions. It could be Life, guys! Leeches are alive and found in nature! Admittedly Water would be a good combo, but still.

As for poison, I don't think it really needs to do much. Yes, leeches are bad, but do they poison you?
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: OdinVanguard on August 01, 2012, 05:10:14 pm
Double targeting is currently not allowed.

Well, there you go.

Thematically, I would suggest this:
 :darkness: Target a creature. Rob it of one attack or one defense.

The ATK/DEF would be chosen by which is higher on the targeted creature. You gain one of that stat.

I would also suggest that you lower the attack to 0 | 1 starting out, but keep the defense level. This makes it more balanced.

If anyone argues OP, either raise the ability cost to  :darkness :darkness or lower the defense by one.

Nice avatar as well.

Editing my previous post to reflect the new element suggestions. It could be Life, guys! Leeches are alive and found in nature! Admittedly Water would be a good combo, but still.

As for poison, I don't think it really needs to do much. Yes, leeches are bad, but do they poison you?
I think the leeches suck poison OUT not put it in... at least thats what I'm reading out of it so far.

Draining att / def and sucking out poison counters seems to fit leeches pretty well to me.

I could see the card fitting either :darkness and :life or :death and :life too... but the whole sucking the life out of things seems to link better with :death or :darkness than :water . Plus we already have a :water and :life synnergy card (forest spirit).
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: artimies7 on August 01, 2012, 09:28:24 pm
Double targeting is currently not allowed.

Well, there you go.

Thematically, I would suggest this:
 :darkness: Target a creature. Rob it of one attack or one defense.

The ATK/DEF would be chosen by which is higher on the targeted creature. You gain one of that stat.

I would also suggest that you lower the attack to 0 | 1 starting out, but keep the defense level. This makes it more balanced.

If anyone argues OP, either raise the ability cost to  :darkness :darkness or lower the defense by one.

Nice avatar as well.

Editing my previous post to reflect the new element suggestions. It could be Life, guys! Leeches are alive and found in nature! Admittedly Water would be a good combo, but still.

As for poison, I don't think it really needs to do much. Yes, leeches are bad, but do they poison you?
I think the leeches suck poison OUT not put it in... at least thats what I'm reading out of it so far.

Draining att / def and sucking out poison counters seems to fit leeches pretty well to me.

I could see the card fitting either :darkness and :life or :death and :life too... but the whole sucking the life out of things seems to link better with :death or :darkness than :water . Plus we already have a :water and :life synnergy card (forest spirit).

Then for my final trick:
3  :life | 3  :life
1 | 1 || 1 | 2
 :darkness: Drain 1 | 0 or 0 | 1 from the target creature, plus one poison if present.

The stat drain is decided by which one the target has more of. Random if the same.
It could be an effective anti-poison if you really need it to be.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: odideph on August 01, 2012, 10:07:52 pm
I'd go with " :life: Removes 1 poison counter from the target. If it has none, deal 1 damage instead."
If your main goal was primarily the double HP effect, my vote goes to: dealing one damage and the leech gets +1|+1.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: blarp on August 02, 2012, 01:30:41 am
Would it be unbalanced if you only had to target the creature once? because that was one thing i was thinking of. Once you target a creature to leech off of, you're set. i don't know if it's possible to  make that work easily though.

could make the ability so suck out poison part of the upgrade path?
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: artimies7 on August 02, 2012, 08:34:16 pm
Would it be unbalanced if you only had to target the creature once? because that was one thing i was thinking of. Once you target a creature to leech off of, you're set. i don't know if it's possible to  make that work easily though.

could make the ability so suck out poison part of the upgrade path?

Oh true. How about:
 :darkness: Drain 1 | 1 per turn. Also absorb 1 poison if present.

how much it drains could be up for debate. It could just drain 0 | 1 and add 1 | 0 to itself.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: blarp on August 02, 2012, 08:41:05 pm
would adding attack to leech be too strong for the cost? At least draining attack from and attack att to would be too much.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: blarp on August 09, 2012, 10:45:28 pm
Card updated! Thanks for the help
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: blarp on August 10, 2012, 05:09:06 am
Btw the updated version doesn't have to be the final, this just makes it easier to visualize, keep track of the changes, and removes some of the need to read through the entire thread.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: Drake_XIV on August 10, 2012, 05:49:03 am
Needs card art before you even consider submitting it.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: blarp on August 10, 2012, 05:50:58 am
Needs card art before you even consider submitting it.

since recently :(

Put out a request in the card art section/fiddling around with drain life.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: Coffeeditto on August 11, 2012, 12:01:32 am
Nice concept, but you should add 1 more quanta to the upped's creature cost.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: Drake_XIV on August 12, 2012, 11:43:57 pm
Nice concept, but you should add 1 more quanta to the upped's creature cost.

The stats do not deserve a +1 to cost.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: Annele on August 16, 2012, 05:30:06 am

This card will not be permitted into the Crucible due to one or more of the following errors:

Correct these errors as soon as possible and feel free to submit again when ready.

Thank you. ^_^

To get a card submitted to Crucible, you need card art. A simple fill art would be fine. :)
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: blarp on August 25, 2012, 06:47:22 am

This card will not be permitted into the Crucible due to one or more of the following errors:

  • Lack of card image.

Correct these errors as soon as possible and feel free to submit again when ready.

Thank you. ^_^

To get a card submitted to Crucible, you need card art. A simple fill art would be fine. :)

Whoops, didn't notice they changed that rule. Thanks to Krava for the artwork! Nicely done!
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: blarp on August 31, 2012, 03:35:49 am
Hopefully I can get the same support I had for my card 'Martyr' as this one! Now being voted on in the crucible!
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: blahs15 on August 31, 2012, 05:34:54 am
what happens if it leeches a poisonous creature? will it become poisoned like otyugh does?

So I'm not sure if this was asked or answered, and I don't want to search through 4 pages to find out...

I think he meant venomous creatures like a scorpion or pufferfish.  It's leeching the scorpion's poison, and thus should be poisoned itself, right?
Leeching a creature that has poison marks is sort of different, I believe.  But I think that it should be like an Oty.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: cowPICKLE on March 02, 2013, 01:00:51 am
so its like you use i dont get
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: blarp on April 03, 2013, 01:08:54 am
so its like you use i dont get


Oh btw this card was never submitted to voting for the forge btw. I realize it's been a while. No rush though :P
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: skyironsword on April 04, 2013, 02:35:39 am
^ Teensy bit late on that one.
Title: Re: Leech | Leech
Post by: hypnotank on June 01, 2013, 04:24:57 pm
Both cards should have 1/2 stats and leech should cost  :darkness :darkness un upped and  :darkness upped