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Re: Juvenile Lemming | Adult Lemming https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=47538.msg1068680#msg1068680
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2013, 12:46:01 am »
Fine then. *glances at ash eater*

Offline OdinVanguardTopic starter

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Re: Juvenile Lemming | Adult Lemming https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=47538.msg1068716#msg1068716
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2013, 02:32:17 am »
Fine then. *glances at ash eater*
If you think it needs a nerf, cast your vote now! I put a poll up to get some feedback here.

Vote now! A hapless, and stupidly brave rodent's future is at stake :)
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Re: Juvenile Lemming | Adult Lemming https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=47538.msg1094887#msg1094887
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2013, 07:14:34 pm »
What happens when you have several lemmings? Which one takes the damage?

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Re: Juvenile Lemming | Adult Lemming https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=47538.msg1095120#msg1095120
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2013, 09:17:28 am »
I don't like the fact, that a card with an useful ability have better stats/cost ratio than a the "half-vanilla" creatures.

As like Graviton salvager. It's 1|5 for 1 and has a counter-ability. And there's only 1 ability.

This card has 2 ability and 1 is the counter, the other is an useful ability. The limited CC prevent is compensated as it's a creature defending other creatures and salvager is limited too. 2 salvager only prevents 1 permanent/turn, but these are cumulative. The other, active skill is good at it's own as like it's immune to (the first) Plague, Firewall, Unstable gases. And has a huge potential with  :life ( LemMitorush, cute hamster kicking your ass out :D ).

And Graviton salvager gained the big HP for the thematic (of course, this card needs for buffing it's effects). My suggestion is making it's unupped HP for 5 too as like the salvager. It's still can survive any damaging CC for a turn and the other CC sources can be done as well (with other lemmings). The upped can't compared with any card, but it's nearly the same as an unupped+a Chaos power, so it's okay. If we want to make it more similar to Grav. salvager, it can be 2|5 (or 2|6) for 1  :entropy.

Offline OdinVanguardTopic starter

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Re: Juvenile Lemming | Adult Lemming https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=47538.msg1095147#msg1095147
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2013, 03:40:27 pm »
What happens when you have several lemmings? Which one takes the damage?
Which ever one would go first when attacking (slot priority)

I don't like the fact, that a card with an useful ability have better stats/cost ratio than a the "half-vanilla" creatures.

As like Graviton salvager. It's 1|5 for 1 and has a counter-ability. And there's only 1 ability.

This card has 2 ability and 1 is the counter, the other is an useful ability. The limited CC prevent is compensated as it's a creature defending other creatures and salvager is limited too. 2 salvager only prevents 1 permanent/turn, but these are cumulative. The other, active skill is good at it's own as like it's immune to (the first) Plague, Firewall, Unstable gases. And has a huge potential with  :life ( LemMitorush, cute hamster kicking your ass out :D ).

And Graviton salvager gained the big HP for the thematic (of course, this card needs for buffing it's effects). My suggestion is making it's unupped HP for 5 too as like the salvager. It's still can survive any damaging CC for a turn and the other CC sources can be done as well (with other lemmings). The upped can't compared with any card, but it's nearly the same as an unupped+a Chaos power, so it's okay. If we want to make it more similar to Grav. salvager, it can be 2|5 (or 2|6) for 1  :entropy.
I definitely see your point about stats. Believe me I've sat puzzling out how to keep it balanced vs vanilla / semi-vanilla without making it useless. I can't really drop its hp too much or it will be killed to easily. If I put it at 0 attack, people might complain that it would actually be worse since it would then start avoiding shields... Hence my dilemma.

If you have a particular rebalance option in mind, be sure to cast your vote in the poll. I haven't changed much yet because there has been no clear favorite so far.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 03:45:11 pm by OdinVanguard »
Whether the glass is half full or half empty is a moot point. It is always filled to the brim. It is only a matter of by what. The real question is: What fills you?
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Re: Juvenile Lemming | Adult Lemming https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=47538.msg1095149#msg1095149
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2013, 03:48:16 pm »
I don't like slot priority. Much better to have one of your lemmings chosen at random, and not include them for blocking CC towards themselves. This would make it difficult to effectively kill any particular lemming, and would introduce a thematic form of randomness (the overall damage is statistically distributed, similar to thermodynamic entropy)

If they block each other's gravity pull damage, this could make a funny Fractal + These + GP + SoPa combo

Assuming my suggestion is accepted, would they block for each other with mass CC? Overall it'd have no effect, but you'd end up with a few not taking any damage while others take a bit extra
« Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 03:53:41 pm by serprex »

Offline OdinVanguardTopic starter

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Re: Juvenile Lemming | Adult Lemming https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=47538.msg1095180#msg1095180
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2013, 06:44:32 pm »
I don't like slot priority. Much better to have one of your lemmings chosen at random, and not include them for blocking CC towards themselves. This would make it difficult to effectively kill any particular lemming, and would introduce a thematic form of randomness (the overall damage is statistically distributed, similar to thermodynamic entropy)

If they block each other's gravity pull damage, this could make a funny Fractal + These + GP + SoPa combo

Assuming my suggestion is accepted, would they block for each other with mass CC? Overall it'd have no effect, but you'd end up with a few not taking any damage while others take a bit extra
At this point, I went with slot priority mainly because its easy to do and well defined. Having it be random would be fine too as long as no lemming can activate more than once.
As for the mass-target effects, I'm not sure but I think it would make almost no difference if all you had was lemmings, but it would allow the lemmings to save other creatures.
I'm not sure if that will end up being too powerful or not though. Any thoughts on that?
Whether the glass is half full or half empty is a moot point. It is always filled to the brim. It is only a matter of by what. The real question is: What fills you?
If your zombie plan is
kill -9 `ps l | awk '{print $2" "$3" "$9}' | grep "Z" | awk '{printf("%s ",$2)}'`
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Re: Juvenile Lemming | Adult Lemming https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=47538.msg1095184#msg1095184
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2013, 07:44:24 pm »
I can't think of any good swarm strategies involving :entropy. Effectively blocking mass CC would require an equal number of lemmings. Still, it seems a bit taboo to block mass CC even with immaterial doing so (which is arguably flawed). I assume their passive works after being quinted, only they can't be targetted. Having them block mass CC seems weird in that case. I was tunnel visioned on mass lemming while considering mass CC. I personally feel it best not to block it

Do they intercept buffs?

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Re: Juvenile Lemming | Adult Lemming https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=47538.msg1095221#msg1095221
« Reply #20 on: August 29, 2013, 11:26:59 pm »
the upgrade should be named Lemmiwinks.

lol but more seriously, for the 8 damage it can take and damage reduc by 1, the card needs another downfall

