This card is not a denial card but works nicely in combination with them. It is indeed very interesting. As avantasia said in the notes, to play this card after you rewind a dragon at the right moment (when the quanta pool is empty) would force your opponent to discard it. It is just great.
However, the name is not very good - an epic mechanic need an epic name. I am not sure about the element either. It might be better in an element which doesn't already have a denial card (with a cost reduction). Denial cards are Black Hole (
), Reverse Time (
), Earthquake (
), Trident (
), Discord (
), Silence (
), Devourer (
) and Nightmare (
). Air, Death, Fire, Life and Light do not have denial cards. Fire has a lot of spells (5) and Light (18) and Death (19) a lot of cards (also I don't think it could fit thematically). In the remaining elements, a life or an air version could be called "impulse" or "spur".
Concerning the art, here is a royalty free suggestion fitting for both air and Life : .
Good work man. I hope this will go far ...