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Re: Hunter | Slayer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26169.msg333684#msg333684
« Reply #36 on: May 14, 2011, 08:44:52 pm »
sorry for the double posting, here is my final analysis on how Slayer can pair up with each of the elements or how it can't:

 :aether : mainly the holder of immaterial creatures, quint, and one of the most potent shields in the game, phase shield. It was said that Aether needed another non-immaterial creature that can stack some damage and have fairly decent survivability against damage CC, however, alongside Phase shield, Slayer can potentially act as a lock down card for decks without PC, and against decks with CC, Quintessence is all that is needed. Quinting is the main key for Slayer to virtually become one of the most powerful CC methods in the game.

 :air : A very potential damage stacker with Skyblitz and wyrms, also having an efficient shield called Wings, however, in nature Air usually lacks good CC tactics, one of their main CC is shockwave, and a good thunderstorm barrage. though not as powerful in CC as other elements. Adding Slayer to this Element would certainly make it very potent as a defensive and very offensive element, perhaps not a good option.

 :darkness : Very devious with its quanta steal and occultive cloak. Also an efficient duo element lock down with fractal, pest and Upped Eclipse. Adding Slayer here will automatically influence decks with eclipse and Slayer, to add to its attack and defense. not only that, I am not sure how Liquid shadow would impact with its use on Slayer.
question: In the case of adding Slayer to this element, Could Slayer absorb hp from creatures as well?

 :death : Death is more based on slow decay poison and now a days Skeleton spamming, especially with the new buff of Skull buckler. Adding Slayer into this element would certainly just boost its CC capabilities even higher alongside plague and skeleton shield.

 :earth : Earth is mainly based on on average and high damage output but with defensive mechanisms on its creatures such as burrow. Implementing Slayer into this element would certainly be a good addition for an Effective CC device and addition to its mid range creature arsenal.

 :entropy : Entropy is based on random gambling and numerous effective CC devices such as mutation, paradox, antimatter, chaos bolt and pandemonium. I doubt Entropy needs another effective CC method since it already has a big arsenal of it.

 :fire : A huge Damage stacker with Lava golems and virtually undying Phoenixes, also has a shield that already deals quite the damage against attacking creatures with Fire shield. Adding Slayer to this element may seriously create an even higher boost to its offensive capabilities as well as defensive united with Fire shield and Rain of Fire.

 :gravity : Deals with the damage attraction mechanism and momentum attack strategies, also a good defender against high attack - CC survivable creatures with gravity shield.
Due to the shield, I think implementing Slayer into this element would be a serious lock-down mechanism against opponent, while the high attack anti-CC strong creatures cannot harm you, destroy them at the same time with Slayer, Gravity force will become an ancient and terribly forgotten and useless tool. I doubt it needs to create a waste of a card.

 :life : Life has some serious healing potential with empathic bond and mitosis plus frogs and cockatrices. I doubt it needs such a powerful CC method when it already deals with it with healing and poison carapace.

 :light : The originally desired element for Slayer. Light has some serious potential with blessings and miracles, however it does lack direct CC methods is rather more focused on defense by direct healing via. Miracle and Healing flash. The only questionable thing with light is blessing used with Slayer, will this create an unstoppable rampaging CC insta-kill monster? despite it being able to be stopped with Gravity shield after a single blessing, it will still satisfy its thirst against the high attack creatures.
However, there is still one counter against Slayer, and that is Entropy's Anti-matter, If slayer is anti-mattered, it could possibly heal the opponents creatures fully and easily instead of damaging them, so there is a note there that can support Light on having this creature plus its lack of direct CC.

 :time : Time having the new cheap and average damage dealer Ghost of the past and having the stalling Eternity weapon, certainly does not need Direct CC included with its CC by stalling capabilities.

 :water : Water has one of the largest arsenal of creatures, however, most of those creatures need some effective Duo strategies in order to be used to their full potential.
but it does have some of the most powerful forms of CC devices such as Arctic squid, Frost shield, Freeze and Inundation, as well as a duo capability of freeze and air causing instant kills alongside the insta kill mechanic of Inundation.
I doubt That like, Entropy, it needs another powerful CC such as Slayer.

those are my notes on Slayer element syncs and capabilties.

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Re: Hunter | Slayer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26169.msg333704#msg333704
« Reply #37 on: May 14, 2011, 09:10:19 pm »
sorry for the double posting, here is my final analysis on how Slayer can pair up with each of the elements or how it can't:

 :aether : mainly the holder of immaterial creatures, quint, and one of the most potent shields in the game, phase shield. It was said that Aether needed another non-immaterial creature that can stack some damage and have fairly decent survivability against damage CC, however, alongside Phase shield, Slayer can potentially act as a lock down card for decks without PC, and against decks with CC, Quintessence is all that is needed. Quinting is the main key for Slayer to virtually become one of the most powerful CC methods in the game.
Why not. Very powerful indeed.

 :air : A very potential damage stacker with Skyblitz and wyrms, also having an efficient shield called Wings, however, in nature Air usually lacks good CC tactics, one of their main CC is shockwave, and a good thunderstorm barrage. though not as powerful in CC as other elements. Adding Slayer to this Element would certainly make it very potent as a defensive and very offensive element, perhaps not a good option.
As i said, i might see this as air. Again, why not.

 :darkness : Very devious with its quanta steal and occultive cloak. Also an efficient duo element lock down with fractal, pest and Upped Eclipse. Adding Slayer here will automatically influence decks with eclipse and Slayer, to add to its attack and defense. not only that, I am not sure how Liquid shadow would impact with its use on Slayer.
question: In the case of adding Slayer to this element, Could Slayer absorb hp from creatures as well?
To answer your question, yes. Vampires already do it. But only if it's LS'ed.
I do not think it fits theme wise.

 :death : Death is more based on slow decay poison and now a days Skeleton spamming, especially with the new buff of Skull buckler. Adding Slayer into this element would certainly just boost its CC capabilities even higher alongside plague and skeleton shield.

 :earth : Earth is mainly based on on average and high damage output but with defensive mechanisms on its creatures such as burrow. Implementing Slayer into this element would certainly be a good addition for an Effective CC device and addition to its mid range creature arsenal.
Defendding by attackin' does not fit earth IMO

 :entropy : Entropy is based on random gambling and numerous effective CC devices such as mutation, paradox, antimatter, chaos bolt and pandemonium. I doubt Entropy needs another effective CC method since it already has a big arsenal of it.

 :fire : A huge Damage stacker with Lava golems and virtually undying Phoenixes, also has a shield that already deals quite the damage against attacking creatures with Fire shield. Adding Slayer to this element may seriously create an even higher boost to its offensive capabilities as well as defensive united with Fire shield and Rain of Fire.

 :gravity : Deals with the damage attraction mechanism and momentum attack strategies, also a good defender against high attack - CC survivable creatures with gravity shield.
Due to the shield, I think implementing Slayer into this element would be a serious lock-down mechanism against opponent, while the high attack anti-CC strong creatures cannot harm you, destroy them at the same time with Slayer, Gravity force will become an ancient and terribly forgotten and useless tool. I doubt it needs to create a waste of a card.

 :life : Life has some serious healing potential with empathic bond and mitosis plus frogs and cockatrices. I doubt it needs such a powerful CC method when it already deals with it with healing and poison carapace.

 :light : The originally desired element for Slayer. Light has some serious potential with blessings and miracles, however it does lack direct CC methods is rather more focused on defense by direct healing via. Miracle and Healing flash. The only questionable thing with light is blessing used with Slayer, will this create an unstoppable rampaging CC insta-kill monster? despite it being able to be stopped with Gravity shield after a single blessing, it will still satisfy its thirst against the high attack creatures.
However, there is still one counter against Slayer, and that is Entropy's Anti-matter, If slayer is anti-mattered, it could possibly heal the opponents creatures fully and easily instead of damaging them, so there is a note there that can support Light on having this creature plus its lack of direct CC.

 :time : Time having the new cheap and average damage dealer Ghost of the past and having the stalling Eternity weapon, certainly does not need Direct CC included with its CC by stalling capabilities.

 :water : Water has one of the largest arsenal of creatures, however, most of those creatures need some effective Duo strategies in order to be used to their full potential.
but it does have some of the most powerful forms of CC devices such as Arctic squid, Frost shield, Freeze and Inundation, as well as a duo capability of freeze and air causing instant kills alongside the insta kill mechanic of Inundation.
I doubt That like, Entropy, it needs another powerful CC such as Slayer.

those are my notes on Slayer element syncs and capabilties.
Re-read my previous posts to see why i mostly disagree with you.
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Re: Hunter | Slayer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26169.msg333713#msg333713
« Reply #38 on: May 14, 2011, 09:27:34 pm »
I think :light's fine. :rainbow might be good too...

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Re: Hunter | Slayer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26169.msg333740#msg333740
« Reply #39 on: May 14, 2011, 10:05:23 pm »
:rainbow should ONLY be used as a last resort.

I find it nice, thoug maybe unupped could fall into life/death.

Death DOES need a medium-hitter... even after the Mummy popped out.
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Re: Hunter | Slayer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26169.msg333741#msg333741
« Reply #40 on: May 14, 2011, 10:06:21 pm »
Re-read my previous posts to see why i mostly disagree with you.
On what aspect do you disagree with me? your previous post does not specify.

I think :light's fine. :rainbow might be good too...

A minor request for those who suggest elements without a minor explanation: Please specify why?

Re: Hunter | Slayer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26169.msg333743#msg333743
« Reply #41 on: May 14, 2011, 10:11:01 pm »
Re-read my previous posts to see why i mostly disagree with you.
On what aspect do you disagree with me? your previous post does not specify.

I think :light's fine. :rainbow might be good too...

A note for those who suggest elements without a minor explanation: Please specify why?
 :light lacks a mid-range cost-effective hitter.


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Re: Hunter | Slayer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26169.msg333945#msg333945
« Reply #42 on: May 15, 2011, 02:48:59 am »
Light is meant (as far as now) to be as empty of C as possible. The reason for this is that every element has its thematic, its specialty. Light gaining CC would make it more towards a norm. The aim in creating cards (in my opinion) is not to give every element a bit of every mecanism. If you do that, why would there be different elements? The aim, when creating a card, is much more to strengthen an element in what it's supposed to be good at. Sanctuary is the perfect example for :light.
The problem at the moment is that control is very important. In my view, a mono-light should be able to have a fair chance to win without even seeing the ennemy's field, and currently that is not truly possible.

(For those who get the reference, it's like balancing classes in an RPG = A healer should barely be able to fight, a warrior, barely able to heal. Giving regeneration to a warrior is very unwise, giving a very powerful weapon to a healer too.)
I understand that this is one of the reasons you go against it being for  :light .
I agree with this up to a certain point,

There is no doubt that each element has its own specialty and in the future there will be tons of new cards.

There is a difference ratio in elements that, imo, needs to be followed if other elements that specialize in effective CC get new cards that simply make their specialty even better. because if those elements get those boosted CC effects, others that lack CC will have to gain at least some sort of defense against it, whether small or large.

Each element is slowly being improved and getting new cards. When An element gets a new card, it creates an effect towards its diverse playability against other elements.
this is always going to occur no matter what the new card is.
Since that is the case, other elements need to gain at least a piece of defense against something else, otherwise they might as well become lost as an old generation which couldnt stand up against the massive array of CC while the new generation could easily defend themselves from other CC, just an example.

I believe in mechanics, each element has a difference ratio.

I will give out a ratio example in the following order:

 :aether :air :darkness :death :earth :entropy :fire :gravity :life :light :time :water
1 : 5 : 3 : 4 : 2 : 5 : 2 : 4 : 1 : 0 : 2 : 6

that is an example ratio based on current direct CC methods.

a future ratio will have a similar difference but mildly scaled with the ratio above.
a randomized example would be this.

2 : 7 : 4 : 6 : 3 : 6 : 5 : 2 : 1 : 3 : 7

So then there isn't such a imbalance in the game, yes we control the specialties of each element, but at least give a minor balance in between.
such as a weak-ish CC effect like thunder storm for example.

it wouldn't hurt to create a small balance for the future of the game, since there will be tons of cards but based on a limited amount of types. CC, PC , shields, weapons, etc.

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Re: Hunter | Slayer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26169.msg333953#msg333953
« Reply #43 on: May 15, 2011, 03:40:14 am »
Due to the versatility of CC, Light can have a CC card that fits the way Light would do CC. There is no need to add a CC card to Light that does not follow Light's themes.
I see Light as having nonlethal, non targeted CC. Hunter does not meet these specifications but something like a Calming Shield would.
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Re: Hunter | Slayer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26169.msg333954#msg333954
« Reply #44 on: May 15, 2011, 03:44:05 am »
Due to the versatility of CC, Light can have a CC card that fits the way Light would do CC. There is no need to add a CC card to Light that does not follow Light's themes.
I see Light as having nonlethal, non targeted CC. Hunter does not meet these specifications but something like a Calming Shield would.
I see your point,  :light intends to be less violent, though why a crusader then? Crusaders are basically Arbiters of justice, they need to use violence in order to protect their country, in this case they use violence to protect "you".
However that does not apply to CC, so in that sense I see your point, since naturally  :light 's creatures do damage anyway, not just crusader.

So, what element would you suggest and why?

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Re: Hunter | Slayer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26169.msg333958#msg333958
« Reply #45 on: May 15, 2011, 04:10:02 am »
Due to the versatility of CC, Light can have a CC card that fits the way Light would do CC. There is no need to add a CC card to Light that does not follow Light's themes.
I see Light as having nonlethal, non targeted CC. Hunter does not meet these specifications but something like a Calming Shield would.
I see your point,  :light intends to be less violent, though why a crusader then? Crusaders are basically Arbiters of justice, they need to use violence in order to protect their country, in this case they use violence to protect "you".
However that does not apply to CC, so in that sense I see your point, since naturally  :light 's creatures do damage anyway, not just crusader.

So, what element would you suggest and why?
As you noticed, the Crusader's ability is a buff not a lethal CC. Light uses violence just it ignores the minions of the opponent.

I would go with Earth and tie it to the concept of Strength or Prowess. The HP gain in Earth is based on Strength and so is the PC. I would expect Strength based CC eventually.
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Re: Hunter | Slayer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26169.msg333964#msg333964
« Reply #46 on: May 15, 2011, 04:32:46 am »
Due to the versatility of CC, Light can have a CC card that fits the way Light would do CC. There is no need to add a CC card to Light that does not follow Light's themes.
I see Light as having nonlethal, non targeted CC. Hunter does not meet these specifications but something like a Calming Shield would.
I see your point,  :light intends to be less violent, though why a crusader then? Crusaders are basically Arbiters of justice, they need to use violence in order to protect their country, in this case they use violence to protect "you".
However that does not apply to CC, so in that sense I see your point, since naturally  :light 's creatures do damage anyway, not just crusader.

So, what element would you suggest and why?
As you noticed, the Crusader's ability is a buff not a lethal CC. Light uses violence just it ignores the minions of the opponent.

I would go with Earth and tie it to the concept of Strength or Prowess. The HP gain in Earth is based on Strength and so is the PC. I would expect Strength based CC eventually.
I see, so since its basically a terrestrial form as well, not such a divine one as  :light , and is more based on violence and creature disposal, it makes sense thematically that it should be of earth.

in my analysis, Earth was suggested be a good addition to its mid-range arsenal, but also its CC potential, since as you say, Earth is more strength and stamina based.

I would say the same.
Maybe I should fix the poll again?

one that goes between  :light and  :earth.

since im still a little tied in between.
it could fit  :light as well mechanically, but  :earth more thematically.
so im stuck lol  :))

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Re: Hunter | Slayer https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26169.msg334118#msg334118
« Reply #47 on: May 15, 2011, 03:30:10 pm »
Light ignores it's opponent's Minions? Not really when you consider :air synergy. ^^;

Not all knights were just and followed the code of chivalry, even though they were supposedly associated with justice and the likewise. The Slayer could be representative of Knights that have not chosen to follow the code while Crusaders are knight that do stick to the code, in a sense.

