Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Level 2 - Forge => Card Ideas and Art => Forge Archive => Topic started by: Absol on April 30, 2012, 06:52:38 am

Title: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: Absol on April 30, 2012, 06:52:38 am
Glass Figure
0 | 2
Sacrifice an elemental pillar and gains +4 | +4 permanently.
Glass Figure
0 | 2
Sacrifice an elemental pillar and gains +5 | +5 permanently.

Inspired by a discussion about vanilla creature here: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,39380.msg489782.html#msg489782
Though, this is not vanilla by definition. It's pseudo-vanilla.

What is this good for? For elements without efficient mid-range attacker. :fire (unupped), :gravity (unupped again), :time (if you count GotP as mid-high attacker)

One time use, like Lycan's skill. Is active skill. Does not cost quanta to use. Unable to target QP. (due to balance. If you think this is unnecessary, please mention)
Fractal this if you want. Have fun paying for the card AND sacrifice pillar for its attack.

About balancing:
Glass Figure: 2 :rainbow + 1 pillar, 4|6
Abomination: 5 :entropy, 5|5 Fixed. Thanks Annele.
Lycan: 2 :entropy + 2 :darkness, 6|6
Graviton Merc: 4 :gravity, 3|5
Charger: 5 :gravity, 4|5 (momentum)
Antlion: 2 :earth, 2|3 (burrow)
Hematite Golem: 4 :earth, 4|6
Horned Frog: 2 :life, 3|3
Cockatrice: 3 :life, 4|4
Ash Eater: 1 :fire, 2|1
Blue Crawler: 3 :water, 3|3
Pegasus: 4 :light, 3|2 (dive)
Wyrm: 4 :air, 3|3 (dive)
Firefly: 3 :air, 3|2 (bioluminescence)
GotP : 6 :time, 7|4 (obsession)
Gargoyle: 5 :darkness, 5|3 (stone form)
Phase Spider: 3 :aether, 4|2 (web)

Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: Annele on April 30, 2012, 07:33:30 am
This is a really cool idea!  :)

By the way, unupped abominations cost 5 :entropy, not 2.
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: dosSantos on April 30, 2012, 08:26:35 am
Nice. Really like the idea of sacrificing a pillar for damage.

As for the art, I came across this image on deviantart
http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=equilibrium#/ds5nfm (http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=equilibrium#/ds5nfm)

and when I read the card description I thought about this image..dunno why though xD perhaps its the entity holding two "elements" or something like that  : P

Cool concept
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: ARTHANASIOS on April 30, 2012, 09:01:20 am
Hhhmm... This card can really offers variety in mono-decks. If it becomes featured, a mono-deck wouldn't be so predictible about the creatures it uses, since it may exchange some creatures for Glass Figures. A neutral creature like this would be nice and its ability is really unique too! Thumbs up here!
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: Absol on April 30, 2012, 10:55:13 am
As for the art, I came across this image on deviantart
http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=equilibrium#/ds5nfm (http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=equilibrium#/ds5nfm)
Hmm. For some reason this art doesn't seem to fit.
I was thinking about a glass-like doll for the thematic. To activate it, you have to put in energy (from the sacrificed pillar).

Quick question: is this balanced with Flooding? Or should i add: "Will drown in Flooding?"
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: mega plini on April 30, 2012, 11:01:46 am
 I'dd recomend a +1/+0 for the base stats.
Can you sac a quantum pillar or a pend?
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: Sebias on April 30, 2012, 12:18:41 pm
For those times you get quanta flooded. You can finally turn lemons into lemon-aid.
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: ARTHANASIOS on April 30, 2012, 04:54:45 pm
Personally, I would prefer a medieval colored glass picture, like the following two pics:



Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: OdinVanguard on April 30, 2012, 05:05:06 pm
Ohhh I really like this one... Will give me something else to do with excess pillars... could be fun in a pillar heavy nymph spam deck as well.
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: Absol on April 30, 2012, 05:29:46 pm
Personally, I would prefer a medieval colored glass picture, like the following two pics:



Err, those are stained glass. Not glass doll (= humanoid figure made from glass)

So i did a search for art, and couldn't find any good art without crossing to the Uncanny Valley.
*sigh* can anyone please make an art for this? It looked like this:
A humanoid figure (preferably male), like a marionette, but is made entirely from glass or crystal. Around it, there are swirls of energy (any color will do, but maybe purple. Or just do mixed color.) all around the figure.
Or please point me towards the right direction for art request. Thanks.
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: ARTHANASIOS on April 30, 2012, 07:22:34 pm
^ Oh, I see now, by glass figure you mean glass statue, or something like that. Anyways, I had something different in mind; does anyone know an old fantasy 3rd-person action game, called Dark Vengeance? Well, in that videogame, there were some opponents made entirely from glass. Please, take a look at 9:25-9:55 of this video and you will understand what I mean (it may really be proved inspirational for the card's appearance):

Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: EmeraldTiger on April 30, 2012, 08:23:55 pm
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: TIO on April 30, 2012, 10:30:56 pm
I don't get why Quantum pillars can't be used...
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: Drake_XIV on April 30, 2012, 11:24:49 pm
It's meant to be used in quanta specific decks, not :rainbow .
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: Absol on May 01, 2012, 10:16:51 am
@ET: Thanks for the art! Will edit the cards later.
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: TIO on May 01, 2012, 08:05:13 pm
It's meant to be used in quanta specific decks, not :rainbow .
I don't see a problem with use in  :rainbow myself, but that's truly up to the dev, if he puts it in.
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: Absol on May 03, 2012, 04:42:14 pm
Ready for Crucible.
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: ARTHANASIOS on May 03, 2012, 04:51:03 pm
Ready for Crucible.

Nice!  :D
And the art is good-looking too! I am starting to really like this card...  ;)
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: Absol on May 21, 2012, 05:20:02 am
Crucible? Heck yes!
Thanks for the support!
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: ARTHANASIOS on June 17, 2012, 12:08:47 pm
 Why does this card gets so few votes in the crucible?   >:(
It seems people are not very interested in other creature cards...  :(
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: rickerd on June 17, 2012, 06:16:32 pm
So... the ability can only be used once, isn't it?
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: ARTHANASIOS on June 17, 2012, 06:30:37 pm
So... the ability can only be used once, isn't it?

Yes, in the notes it says "One time use, like the Lycan's skill". Actually, this card could be better if the skill was useable more than once and increased only +3|+2 instead IMO. The +3|+2 increase would be the same in both upped/unupped versions and the upped version of the card could be played at free cost instead of 2 :rainbow. What do you think about it, Absol?
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: Absol on June 17, 2012, 06:49:13 pm
So... the ability can only be used once, isn't it?

Yes, in the notes it says "One time use, like the Lycan's skill". Actually, this card could be better if the skill was useable more than once and increased only +3|+2 instead IMO. The +3|+2 increase would be the same in both upped/unupped versions and the upped version of the card could be played at free cost instead of 2 :rainbow. What do you think about it, Absol?
+3|+2 for each pillar will be UP compared to Growth's +2|+2 which can be paid per quanta. Besides, this is designed not as a growing attacker, but as an alternative beatstick.
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: OdinVanguard on April 04, 2013, 08:23:11 pm
Can't … stop… must… necro… to bring up a point.

With the change to SoP, this could make for a rather nasty SoP-tal bow addition.

This + supernova + fractal + SoP. Power with :entropy mark and :aether pillars

You get 4 + creatures out that would immediately grow to be 2|4's... then next turn cannibalize the pillars used to power fractal and you have a bunch of 7|9's ... SoP-tal-Ball rush is ugly... this may be OP...

At least it is a large combo (4 cards), so at least that will make things tricky and help provide a little balance.
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: OdinVanguard on July 11, 2014, 12:51:46 am
So necro, again, but the topic came up in oEtG, where once again, balancing came up and got me to thinking... (also, I really wish people would actually take the time to continue actively discussing forge and crucible cards instead of just letting them sit like lumps on a log after leaving the smithy... but I digress)

I think the upped is definitely a bit too much. Gaining +5|+5 for 1 pillar is a little too good. Even if this were a 1 time ability... But +4|+4 for 1 pillar doesn't seem that OP compared to blessing. Especially if this is implemented as a 1 time use ability.

An alternate that may be fun is to have the stat bonus depend upon the element of the pillar that was sacrificed.
This could help emphasize the thematic differences between elements.
E.g. sacrifice a fire pillar and get +5|-1, sacrifice a grav pillar and get +0|+6, life pillar -> +4|+4, air -> +4|+2, etc
It could be worded:
"Infuse: Sacrifice a pillar.
This creature gains HP and ATK based upon the element of the sacrificed pillar."
This could inherently imply that the sacrificed pillar has to be an elemental pillar as well.
Most importantly, this helps keep elements from gaining access to creatures with stats that don't fit their theme without adding in cards from a different element... so when balancing it, you would look at it as : how well would a 2+X|2+Y creature fit into the desired element, where X and Y are the stat bonus granted by sacrificing a pillar of that element.
Title: Re: Glass Figure | Glass Figure
Post by: kaempfer13 on July 11, 2014, 09:05:17 pm
The comparison to nymph queen in monowater is quite obvious.
Vanilla: 8 :water for a creature thats worth 6 :underworld according to balancing theory without the ability compared to 2 :rainbow for a vanilla creature thats worth less than the card cost disregarding the ability.
Comparing ability: a pillar and 0quanta for +5/+5 versus a pillar and 4 :water for 6/7.
advantages  :waterqueen: Actually -since you automatically pack excess pillars- the quanta cost isnt such a big deal, i would argue that it would justify +3/+3 compared to an identical no cost ability. However thats not all the advantages  :waterqueen has.
-Stronger immunity against removal: 7 life and splits the stats amongst other generated queens (rt and mutation are much less effective and all the 5 dmg spells/otyughs do not instantly kill without using more cards)
- Other queens gain the ability as well ensuring that you can use all the excess quanta you have for quick and sustained dmg and offering some weak resistance towards lobotomize.

Advantages glass figure: -Can be played earlier (even though you may not want to destroy your pillars right away)
- more stats gained for what its worth
- you can use excess quanta for sth else (though i think deckbuilding will be quite a challenge with this card)

Bearing all that in mind i think this card would be balanced if it also undid the quanta gain from the last turn of target pillar (so technically the ability costs 1 :underworld or 3 :rainbow).