The comparison to nymph queen in monowater is quite obvious.
Vanilla: 8
for a creature thats worth 6
according to balancing theory without the ability compared to 2
for a vanilla creature thats worth less than the card cost disregarding the ability.
Comparing ability: a pillar and 0quanta for +5/+5 versus a pillar and 4
for 6/7.
advantages :waterqueen: Actually -since you automatically pack excess pillars- the quanta cost isnt such a big deal, i would argue that it would justify +3/+3 compared to an identical no cost ability. However thats not all the advantages :waterqueen has.
-Stronger immunity against removal: 7 life and splits the stats amongst other generated queens (rt and mutation are much less effective and all the 5 dmg spells/otyughs do not instantly kill without using more cards)
- Other queens gain the ability as well ensuring that you can use all the excess quanta you have for quick and sustained dmg and offering some weak resistance towards lobotomize.
Advantages glass figure: -Can be played earlier (even though you may not want to destroy your pillars right away)
- more stats gained for what its worth
- you can use excess quanta for sth else (though i think deckbuilding will be quite a challenge with this card)
Bearing all that in mind i think this card would be balanced if it also undid the quanta gain from the last turn of target pillar (so technically the ability costs 1
or 3