Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Level 2 - Forge => Card Ideas and Art => Forge Archive => Topic started by: icybraker on May 30, 2010, 08:17:05 pm

Title: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: icybraker on May 30, 2010, 08:17:05 pm
(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd66180/fortuna.png) (http://imageplay.net/)
(http://imageplay.net/img/m7Gbd66181/tyche.png) (http://imageplay.net/)
8 :entropy
Swap stats for attack power and health at the end of every turn.
7 :entropy
Swap stats for attack power and health at the end of every turn.
Andrew Jones
    This ability is innate and passive, like Devourer's innate ability to absorb quanta. It cannot be Lobotomized away.[/li]

Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: PuppyChow on May 30, 2010, 08:20:58 pm
Seems rather underpowered for the cost, since over the course of two turns it will average 10 damage. So basically it has 5 attack, and its pretty dang vulnerable for one turn.

Then again, heavy armor/basilisk blood ;). Maybe the cost is alright after all. Yet, even heavy armor wouldn't be that great, since it would really only be +3/+0 since the +6 would only have an affect every other turn. And basilisk blood would need adrenaline, making it an expensive trio.

So yeah. I say lower the cost a bit.
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: dragonhuman on May 30, 2010, 09:01:04 pm
what if you added an ability to make it not swap stats for this round? something that cost non entropy

and yeah lower cost since phoenix is a 7/1 for 7 that will 'regen'
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: icybraker on May 30, 2010, 10:19:39 pm
what if you added an ability to make it not swap stats for this round? something that cost non entropy
I don't like it because it may make it too powerful. The point was to make a card with the much-demanded "switch attack and HP!" function without being overpowered. Your suggestion makes it overpowered, I think, with just 1 Basilisk's Blood. My current card is an uncontrolled force, making it significantly weaker.

Okay, I'm changing the cost to 8 :entropy | 7 :entropy upped.
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: Scaredgirl on May 30, 2010, 10:35:58 pm
What can I say.. awesome card.
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: alf15 on May 30, 2010, 10:48:29 pm
awesome card. would get a great boost from chaos power, since both stats increase.
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: Kuroaitou on May 31, 2010, 05:14:34 pm
awesome card. would get a great boost from chaos power, since both stats increase.

It's funny how this card can be dramatically affected by certain stat boosts (Chaos Power, Blessing, Plate Armor, BASILISK'S BLOOD  :o, etc.), considering that the stats always swap each turn, meaning that one turn, you're pretty strong in offense, and then you hide and go into a more defensive stance.

Of course, I wonder how this card will work with things like Liquid Shadow and Antimatter... >.>
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: icybraker on May 31, 2010, 05:18:32 pm
If the health of this creature is negative, this creature dies BEFORE it attacks.
With Antimatter, it dies once its negative attack is switched to negative defense.

Liquid Shadow works by subtracting 1 health every time. For example:

9|1 Fortuna. Opponent plays Liquid Shadow on it. Your turn.
9|1 Fortuna attacks, deals 9 damage, heals owner for 9 damage (vampiric) and dies because it loses 1 health. Does not get to switch stats because it's dead.

1|9 Fortuna. Opponent plays Liquid Shadow on it. Your turn.
1|9 Fortuna attacks, deals 1 damage, heals owner for 1 damage (vampiric) and becomes 1|8. Switches to 8|1. Your next turn:
8|1 Fortuna attacks, deals 8 damage, heals owner for 8 damage (vampiric) and dies because it loses 1 health. Does not get to switch stats because it's dead.
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: Malduk on May 31, 2010, 09:15:19 pm
Thumbs up for the card. Fits the element, and would be fun to use it.
The only thing I would change is state the card enters the play - from 9|1 to 1|9. If it enters with 9|1, it deals 9 dmg at that turn, and turns to defensive stance before opponent gets the chance to counter it. The card becomes vulnerable at 3rd turn, and by that time, owner could have protected it in lots of different ways already. Thats 19 dmg done before the card faces serious threat.
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: icybraker on May 31, 2010, 09:17:37 pm
Oh yeah! I just remembered about this. I tricked myself into thinking that it switches immediately, so for the exact same reasons you stated, I chose 9|1. :) Thanks for that. Time to edit.
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: tallguy2241 on June 01, 2010, 04:07:08 am
A great concept, and I love the artwork.
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: Bloodshadow on June 01, 2010, 04:19:25 am
Nice card. Although... Basilisk Blood :o Earth Nymph :o :o :o

Yeah... It's going to hurt like hell once this thing awakens from multiple intakes of Basilisk Blood.
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: kalkiran on June 05, 2010, 05:19:12 pm
love the card! but i would suggest switching the names round.
The romans did more for britain, but the greeks did more for humanity.
(i do no its just a game but still-it just seems like a more logical progression)
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: icybraker on June 05, 2010, 05:22:21 pm
The romans did more for britain
What exactly do you mean by this?

Yeah, it would make sense in chronological order, but I just thought that the more powerful version should sound slightly... stranger, odder, more exotic. "Fortuna" sounds a lot more familiar than "Tyche", so the more powerful version is more distant and strange.

Update: We're in the Crucible! :)
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: finkel on June 05, 2010, 05:26:06 pm
With this, basilisk blood is basically an extremely cheap 20-attack creature. That card, at least, would make this overpowered. Imagine just 2 basilisk bloods on this. 6 turns later, your opponent's in for 49 damage in ONE attack from ONE creature. add in some parallel universes, and, well....
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: kalkiran on June 05, 2010, 05:27:49 pm
fair enough icybraker that makes sense
btw i dont know what i meant=i should seek medical help...
just had an awesome thought-couldnt this be a series? cos ive been trying too come up with ideas but when i got one (gods) i realised you had done this-ill post the names in a second
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: icybraker on June 05, 2010, 05:30:56 pm
fair enough icybraker that makes sense
btw i dont know what i meant=i should seek medical help...
Don't worry. We're all insane here.

@Finkel: Yeah, but that creature is stalled for a large number of turns, is easily eliminated, requires 3 cards from 2 different elements, requires a lot of :entropy quanta, and becomes a 1|49 creature on the next turn. There are many ways to stop it. It's supposed to be used with Armors or Basilisks' Blood.
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: kalkiran on June 05, 2010, 06:21:43 pm
Ok here it goes first is greek next is roman

Earth   Gaia:Larunda/Larenta(closest i could find)

Air   Uranus:Ouranos

Fire   Hephaestus:Vulcan

Water   Poseidon:Neptune

Light   Helios:Apollo

Darkness   Nyx:Nox

Entropy   ...:... Btw i would NEVER have thought of luck for this!
+ Fortuna actually IS roman so i needn’t have suggested anything in the first place...

Gravity   Er well ourea=mountains:closest fit is Cybele

Time   Chronos:Saturn

Aether   Harmonia=order (Or Asteria=stars):Concordia=order

Life         Prometheus=created humans:Epimetheus=all other life
(went for Prometheues bro cos there is no roman equiv to Prometheus)
OR Vitumnus=gave life to unborn children

Death   Hades:Pluto

Oh and btw i have explanations and other alternatives-if you do want to make the cards
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: icybraker on June 05, 2010, 06:24:48 pm
For :life I would actually go with Demeter and Ceres. For :darkness I'd probably go with Artemis and Diana.

But wait, what are you doing this for again? :P
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: kalkiran on June 05, 2010, 06:41:47 pm
why diana and artemis?-theyre symbols of hunters yeah, but they are also very very pure(they glow and bathe in pools of holy water and stuff).
Also Ceres and demeter were one of the other options i had, but thought that since prom and epi created life theyd be more suitable
oh well
ah yes-im doing this
1.because i love classical mythology and was bored (but youre at a COMPUTER *gasps* *shoked stares*  :P) 
2. because ever since schattenfressers cultist (AWESOME) series i wanted to make one of my own and i had no luck-i then stumbled across an idea. My intrest in classical mythology! then i saw this  >:(!
so im running this by you saying you can make it (and i promise it will be better than whatever i could do with this idea) or i could and know that i and you both know i hadnt copied  :D
ps sorry i have BIG tendency to ramble/new to forums
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: Ant-n-ero on June 05, 2010, 08:16:32 pm
strong yet vulnerable
nice card

Have it beefed up with BB or Armor and then quint it when you're done and you're sorted for the whole game!

this is getting my vote!
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: Avenger on June 08, 2010, 06:29:51 pm
Not vulnerable with basilisk blood. It is an OTK creature.
Even a simple improved armor can raise this creature into massive hurt, if this is added, it will probably be added to those entropy rush decks everyone knows :)

Wouldn't epinephrine remove the stasis faster?
So, this, plus each colors best boost: win :)
I still don't know if it is stronger than existing entropy rush decks, but i fear, it is.
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: kalkiran on June 08, 2010, 08:43:01 pm
icybraker why diana artemis for dark?
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: ratcharmer on June 22, 2010, 03:34:46 pm
How would this work with butterfly effect? would you be able to target it every other turn?
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: Kuroaitou on June 23, 2010, 09:48:20 pm
How would this work with butterfly effect? would you be able to target it every other turn?
I assume that since this is an active 'non-triggered' ability, using Butterfly effect on it will remove the stat swapping active skill, and you'll be stuck with the creature at 1 | 9 I believe.
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: guolin on June 26, 2010, 04:26:57 am
Am I the only one that sees the synergy between Titan, Animate Weapon, and this card? Or has it been ninja'dly pointed out?
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: jmizzle7 on June 26, 2010, 04:58:45 am
Am I the only one that sees the synergy between Titan, Animate Weapon, and this card? Or has it been ninja'dly pointed out?
This has no synergy with Titan. Read the card again - it's a creature whose stats are swapped every turn.
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: badivan1 on March 29, 2011, 01:48:49 am
Has anybody revisited this card idea ?

I feel that the cost is too high, even though it allows certain situational combos.  I would suggest a cost reduction and, at the same time, fixing the attack and health swap to a fixed value - let's say +5/-5 and -5/+5.
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: johannhowitzer on March 29, 2011, 03:22:01 am
The stat swap being flexible is what makes the card interesting.  You can cast Basilisk Blood or Plate Armor and get half the buff in attack every other turn.  Liquid Shadow or Mitosis timed correctly can also yield some interesting results - and :entropy :darkness and :entropy :life are already viable dual-element combos.

I agree, though, it is a tad too expensive.  It has a practical 1 health, since your opponent will time their attacks for the low-health side of the curve, and a practical 5 attack average over 2 turns.  That's worth maybe 5 :entropy.
Title: Re: Fortuna | Tyche
Post by: unknown89089 on April 04, 2011, 04:21:26 pm
Since its ability is similar to the ability of the Devourer/Pest, does that mean Adrenaline won't make it switch back and forth? Or will it? I'd like to be able to adren my way through, but the problem would be how many attacks it does because it usually depends on the attack which'll be constantly changing... Meh.