Yes my apoligies in reflection I should have called him Mythril Golem but didn't. I will change that today.
I am unsure how the AI would react to this, I did think a little on it but not enough to come up with an answer. As it is the AI lacks a lot of synergistic knowledge of how the cards work already (although that has been getting better) so not sure if that would become an issue.
The card is best used in PvP even unupped becomes of great use and at the very least can provide fodder for Otyugh when you need it.
I deliberately made the army relatively weak so it could be neutralised with RoF or such (pandemonium on these when you have a full board would be interesting). Thus making it effective but only up to a point remembering that even with 6 of these in play you need a pillar to activate it where as boneyard all you have to do is kill something (imagining a

deck with Boneyard and Forge)
Thankyou for your comments.