
Offline moomooseTopic starter

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Re: Fate Nest | Fate Nest (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2011, 06:45:20 pm »
i dont think the eggs that come from pegasus are the kind that hatch.

i think i am going to use the term avian to cover all birds, in case more get added to the game.
moose dont say moo.

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Re: Fate Nest | Fate Nest (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2011, 07:14:29 pm »
i dont think the eggs that come from pegasus are the kind that hatch.

i think i am going to use the term avian to cover all birds, in case more get added to the game.
sounds good.

Offline moomooseTopic starter

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Re: Fate Nest | Fate Nest (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2011, 10:19:46 pm »
updated the avian specification
moose dont say moo.

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Re: Fate Nest | Fate Nest (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2011, 01:29:42 am »
It's a good idea, but the fact that it only works when used along with one other card means that it will never make it into the game.
OldTrees has said that any card that only has use alongside a small number of cards is too limited to work in-game. This card was ONLY useful alongside Cockatrice.

Looks like you've fixed it though, so it's fine.
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

Offline moomooseTopic starter

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Re: Fate Nest | Fate Nest (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2011, 01:31:40 am »
last i checked oldtrees wasnt zanz, and zanz is the only one who decides what makes it into the game.  kinda tired of people talking about oldtrees like hes god, hes a good guy and a good card person, but the buck doesnt stop with him.
moose dont say moo.


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Re: Fate Nest | Fate Nest (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2011, 04:00:33 am »
Avian doesn't just mean bird, it can include any flying creature. Also, what if bats are added to the game? Bats don't lay eggs.

Offline moomooseTopic starter

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Re: Fate Nest | Fate Nest (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2011, 04:05:41 am »
Adjective: Of or relating to birds.
Noun: A bird.  More »

in the opening post i told you to look it up.  i just did it for you.  davidy (him specifically, anyone else i will at least consider their opinion, but not his at this point) please do not post in any of my threads about the wordings of my cards, i will disagree with you, so save your time.
moose dont say moo.


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Re: Fate Nest | Fate Nest (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2011, 04:42:49 am »
Adjective: Of or relating to birds.
Noun: A bird.  More »

in the opening post i told you to look it up.  i just did it for you.  davidy (him specifically, anyone else i will at least consider their opinion, but not his at this point) please do not post in any of my threads about the wordings of my cards, i will disagree with you, so save your time.
Rejecting feedback on principle is hardly the way to improve. You're being quite mature here.

I know what the definition of the word is. The adjective avian can be applied to any living, flying thing; "the dragon was an avian death machine."

Offline moomooseTopic starter

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Re: Fate Nest | Fate Nest (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2011, 12:09:21 pm »
ill keep this simple- you are wrong. stop.

Search Results


    noun /ˈāvēən/ 
    avians, plural
        A bird

    adjective /ˈāvēən/ 
        Of or relating to birds
            - avian tuberculosis

    Web definitions
        pertaining to or characteristic of birds

        Aviano (Avian) is a town and comune of province of Pordenone at the foot of the Dolomites mountain range in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, northern Italy.

        Avian is a melodic power metal band founded in 2002 by guitarist Yan Leviathan. The band features singer Lance King. In 2005 they released their debut album From the Depths of Time, a concept album dealing with the end of days and a warning to mankind . ...

        (Avians) Birds (class Aves) are winged, bipedal, endothermic (warm-blooded), egg-laying, vertebrate animals. There are around 10,000 living species, making them the most varied of tetrapod vertebrates. They inhabit ecosystems across the globe, from the Arctic to the Antarctic. ...

        Dispersal - Movement of individuals from an area of high intensity to areas of low intensity. Often this term refers to movement of recently fledged birds to an area other than where they were born.

        Refers to birds. Feathers are a uniquely avian characteristic.

        of birds, ex) Avian Flu is a flu that typically infects birds.

        Definition: The term "avian" is derived from the Latin word "Aves", which is the scientific class for all bird species. To say that something is "avian" imparts that it relates or pertains to birds in some way.

        Of the sub-groups of Talking Beasts, sizes are the most varied. Owls and Eagles may be 4 to 5 feet tall, large enough to carry a human child, while songbirds, robins, crows, and other small types are indistinguishable from their non-talking counterparts unless they speak. ...

        Refers to birds, including poultry.

        belonging or relating to birds

        Having to do with birds.
moose dont say moo.

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Re: Fate Nest | Fate Nest (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2011, 12:33:15 pm »
Definitely a fun card! too bad there is already an "airborne" passive ability...
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Offline moomooseTopic starter

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Re: Fate Nest | Fate Nest (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #22 on: August 18, 2011, 10:45:59 pm »
why would the airborne passive be an issue?
moose dont say moo.

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Re: Fate Nest | Fate Nest (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #23 on: August 19, 2011, 01:32:08 am »
Seems cool to me; it's similar to boneyard/graveyard in that it makes creatures, but it's harder to control (the randomness) and potentially stronger. (but slower, due to fate egg activation)  I think it's fairly reasonable as is.

Also, I have one question about the mechanics of the card; I'll use an example.

Suppose I have 3 avians.  Are my chances of getting a fate egg:
1) 30% to get 1 fate egg.  (3 x 10%)
2) 10% to get 1 fate egg, checked 3 times.  (i.e. I might get 0,1,2, or 3 fate eggs, the 3 happening 1/1000 of the time in this case, and being too lazy to calculate the other odds)

