Variety is good if it doesn't stray from what the elements mean.
This looks like another intriguing Quanta Generator. However I see three problems
1) It is unfocused. It is trying to be quanta acceleration and win condition at the same time. This reduces what you can do with the card before it gets to expensive.
2) It spawns a non living Pillar.
3) Reduction of max HP is not what I envision Life the element of Growth to do. (You might have as good of a rational as you did with fire though)
My suggestion
: Spawn Emerald Stone|Emerald Gem
Yes. I know this makes the value of the spawn hard to calculate. This would be a new spawnself skill that would need more complicated theoretical valuation. So it would be beneficial to the standard.
So the vines(Gem) feeds of energy and multiplies.