Why Bee|Killer Bee is crucibled as a completely different card and not like a sub-card of Bee Hive | Killer Bee Hive? 
I thought Bee / Killer Bee would make a good creature card in its own right
i.e. its a way to give people the option to vote on the "Bee | Killer Bee" as an individual addition without the hive. (like FFQ and Firefly are 2 different cards)
So, depending on whether one, the other, or both make it says something different.
I.e. Hive makes it but not the bee - Its a good idea to make it like aflatoxin where bee cannot be included individually but is only available via hive.
If only bee makes it, then no hive.
If both make it through the polls, then both are good ideas.
(and if neither makes it then its kind of a moot point
