ART: | Card Image Art by OdinVanguard
See Emerald Tiger's Post for custom mark and background art:,46114.0.html
| IDEA: | OdinVanguard
| NOTES: | If anyone has a link to the symbol size Null mark, let me know so I can use it here. I can only seem to find the large Mark size image.
The idea behind this card was to have a powerful rush creature that has a built in downside. Null seemed to make a nice vehicle for this. Having a card that destroy's its owner's deck in exchange for a powerful offense seemed like a nice way to do it.
This concept seemed to me to be a perfect fit under the "Null" hybrid element theme. It combines thematic traits of both darkness and aether, so while it could work as a pair of cards, or even as a single card under either one, it really fits best as a hybrid.
See,35493.12.html for a discussion on elemental and hybrid element themes (if anyone has a better link please post it)
Thematically, the idea is that the creatures negative energy is so strong that it rips apart the mind of its owner. Its essence is so potent that in order to cleanse it from your mind, you would have to clear all other thoughts as well.
The discard mechanic serves 3 functions: 1) Helps further promote the "Null" theme 2) Makes fractal abuse more difficult 3) Gives synergy with nightmare
The deck destruction ability is a passive trait (like salvage) so it cannot be lobotomized.
I had originally wanted it to destroy both decks, but that seemed a little too OP.
-Special thanks to EmeraldTiger and all those who have and are contributing to the hybrid element project. You guys ROCK!