I mean fractal with this, then use them all on one creature with dive.
Hmm... that's one skill I worry about.
Just for the sake of the scenario, how many turns would take to to get the

for a fractal, the

for multiple uses of Dive, and the


for the Dwellers? Also add a turn to wait for Dweller skills to become active.
It'd be tricky to do the pillar/pend setup, but I think

Mark w/

pends would do the trick? Assuming your lucky enough to draw 1-2 of each pend on the initial hand and first few draws...
serprex's Ruby Dragon scenario also could be a problem. That only requires 3 kinds of quanta. But you you have to remember that drawing all 6 within the first half of the game is slightly against the odds. Let's say instead you get the quanta for 1-2 ruby dragons and to use 2-3 Dwellers (
statistically drawing half of them in the first half the game isn't bad odds).
Suggestions for fixes include:
1) targets can only be targeted by Event Horizon once.
2) make Dwellers Hp low enough to be susceptible to CC .
3) skills that pose problems like Dive can't be targeted (I don't like this one).