That would cause problems for Fractal and lesser problems for other decks. However it would cause a forced many card combo. Those tend to drastically shrink the versatility and usability of the card.
I thought Entropy Pact was the starting idea. If the CC hits both sides then the benefit would favor non fractal decks while the trigger would favor fractal decks resulting in a versatile balance.
No, starting idea was Chronos Pact, Chaos pact is the second one
mmm so you are saying that (for example) Chaos pact has to activate chaos seed (power) on creatures of both sides (if there is a creature in that side obviously: if not, ability activates, and you can target only one your or your opponent's creature)? And Chronos pact has to reverse time one in both sides, etc? It can be possible, I don't dislike it! Are there problems with implementation? 2 spells in the same time..if there aren't problems, I believe that pacts can finally work in this way 
I was referencing the Pact -> Entropy Pact -> Chaos Pact thought process.
The concept of hitting both sides was a solution that fit Entropy (Pandamonium) it might not fit Time and works much better for CC than for Buffs.
An effect like "When a creature enters play, Chaos Seed 1 random and 1 specific target.". The random selects between all creatures and is more likely to be detrimental for Fractal users. This solution would not work for Chaos Power so perhaps the upgraded would still use Chaos power but be cheaper.
why not making 1 random and 1 specific for all pacts? We thought that druidic pact could heal 10 HP's to both seems to be weak, but if you are dying or (better) if your opponent has shard of sacrifice! Death pact can poison both players, but in combo with purify won't lose his could be a solution:
1) eliminates fractal
2) finally pacts don't make anymore problems (I hope)!
For 3 reasons
1) The effect must target creatures
2) The effect must be detrimental
3) Randomness of this variety fits Entropy but it would be too much of a stretch for most Elements
and ideas about druidic pact and death pact? I think it's detrimental make the opponent gain life, or poison yourself (I think that idea about druidic pact is more fine)..
Those would not balance the fractal and non fractal usages of those pacts.
In fact they both exacerbate the problem.
Druidic: Healing your opponent can be made irrelevant by stalling and using a Fractal win condition.
Death: Self inflicted poison can be removed entirely with purify. The more poison the better.
To balance fractal and non fractal usages you need the triggered effect to be more beneficial to the non fractal usage.
Chaos Seed does this because fractal fodder is more vulnerable to Chaos Seed and would be hit more often than non fractal fodder.
Note: Sometimes two mechanics do not work well together. The Pact mechanic is picky about which effects would enable it to have both its usages balanced simultaneously. As you practice card design, you will notice that most mechanics are similarly picky when attempting to enable their full potential value to the game.
For future pacts:
Choose a core idea for the card: The mechanic "Pact"
Choose an Element
Take note of all methods for increased pact triggering (Fractal, Mind Gate, Hourglass)
Think of an effect that would not be included as a spell in a fractal decks but would be included in non fractal decks
Combine Pact and the effect into a Pact card.
Watch as Fractal decks would start using the effect while non fractal decks would still use the effect.