This is in some ways weaker than Plague, but it's more expensive, and I'm not sure that's necessary.
On the positive side, enemy creatures may die more quickly - dependent on the number of extra attacks they get. And since some of their attacks may be at reduced power, you mitigate the total damage dealt to you over the creature's lifespan, even though you receive the damage in less actual turns. There are ways to negate this disadvantage completely, though - Phase Shield is the most obvious way. Freeze/BB do nothing, since Adrenaline will shorten their duration anyway... you might as well run Plague + Freeze/BB. Damage mitigation shields will help, though with a medium-to-high-attack creature it won't negate it all - though it will give a smaller window for your opponent to react with PC.
How exactly does Sundial interact with an adrenalined/poisoned creature? I may have to test this. If it works, it can undo the counterbalance in an upped mono.
(Oh, and I think it's been done before, though it's too late for me to search the forum.
