| NOTES: | The art here is not of great quality, however I really like the ability of this card. This may be the buff Antlions so deeply deserve! The idea came with by looking at Nightfall|Eclipse and realising that this card, along with Flooding, are the only permanents which affect both sides of the field at the same time. Simultaneously, I though that burrowed creatures really need a buff. As a result, Blessing Soil was created. This card's mechanics are similar with Nightfall | Eclipse. In Devourer's case, I don't think Blessed Soil and Nightfall buffs should stack, so only the greater buff would apply on Devourer|Pest.
Let's see how burrowed creatures are changed: *Antlion burrowed stats are 1|3, with Blessed Soil it becomes 2|4 (3|4 with upped Blessed Soil). *Elite Antlion burrowed stats are 2|4, with Blessed Soil it becomes 3|5 (4|5 with upped Blessed Soil). *Graboid burrowed stats are 2|3, with Blessed Soil it becomes 3|4 (4|4 with upped Blessed Soil). *Elite Graboid burrowed stats are 2|3, with Blessed Soil it becomes 3|4 (4|4 with upped Blessed Soil). *Shrieker burrowed stats are 4|3, with Blessed Soil it becomes 5|4 (6|4 with upped Blessed Soil). *Elite Shrieker burrowed stats are 5|4, with Blessed Soil it becomes 6|5 (7|5 with upped Blessed Soil). *Devourer burrowed stats are 0|2, with Blessed Soil it becomes 1|3 (2|3 with upped Blessed Soil). *Pest burrowed stats are 0|4, with Blessed Soil it becomes 1|5 (2|5 with upped Blessed Soil).
Lore: Several Elementals loyal to :light perform luminescent rituals with Photons into various places in order to act as wards against their opponents, especially the :darkness and :death entities. After a long period of time, the :light quantum energy from these rituals is weakened, falls onto the soil and it is absorbed by it. As a result, slowly but steadily the soil becomes blessed. However, a simple passenger or even a powerful Elemental who walks on this soil doesn't recieve any type of blessing, but if a creature digs withing the ground, a positive energy will cover it for as long as it remains underground. Antlions and Graboids have learnt to detect Blessed Soils like these and use them in order to strike with greater force their opponents. Burrowed creatures will have their vengeance at last!