Is the % chance to miss added together or used as multiple instances? If added together 6x copies will give a 60% chance to miss and 10 copies is 100% to miss, whereas, as seperate instances, 6 copies is 47% chance to miss and with 10 only 65% and will never get to 100% the more copies you add.
I always assumed that it's the latter, as 6 cats on the opponents' side of the field will severely hinder them to the point where having a Dusk Mantle as your shield would make it near impossible for the opponent to attack back (unless they kill the cats first).
I kind of like this idea, but I don't know why the upgraded version is called "Felicia". The problem isn't about the text either, but rather, the annoyance of having to deal with 'giving cards to your opponent', and since we can't give a permanent to the opponent as suggested in other card idea threads, why bother giving them a creature? Also: rename 'Bad Luck' into "Superstition".

I'm guessing the upgraded version heals you 1 per turn (0 - 1 = -1), correct?