Problem is with using Zealot against an AM happy opponent is that once you immolate your -10 Zealot to give opposing creature -20, they can then just AM their own creature to gain +20 ATK
Exactly, while Zealot itself seems a bit strong when involving stat buffers (rage elixir, blessing, Acceleration, etc) it certainly has its counter play ( AntiMatter, unable to target creature due to frozen, stasis, rewind after it immolates, etc)
Of course the opponent can be smart and instead of AM'ing the Zealot immediately on buff, waits for you to immolate the Zealot onto its ally.
AMing a buffed Zealot would be less effective than AMing the creature that got buffed by it, assuming it immolates to an ally creature on field.
Scenario 1: Zealot has 6|1 from Rage elixir, buffs creature with 3|4, creature gets +12|+2, becomes 15|6, Gets AM'd by opponent, now becomes -15|6
Scenario 2: Zealot has 6|1, gets AM'd (assuming you buffed Zealot straight away on play waiting to use its ability on next turn)
now it has -6|1, immolates to opponent creature for counter play with 3|4, opponent creature gets -12|+2,
becomes -9|6, Opponent AM's affected creature for counter-counter play, it is now 9|6
We must consider that the second scenario requires the use of 2 Anti-matters, vs 1st scenario which requires only one.
Of course, there is a
third scenario if I am the one being Anti-Matter happy:
Say I am losing and have low hp and its my turn with a Zealot on field being ability ready, I buff it with Rage elixir and it becomes 6|1,
then I AM'd my own Zealot ( -6|1), now I immolate Zealot onto say an enemy creature with 2|2 (-12|+2), now enemy creature has -10|4 and I have just made some more time for me, even if it is slight which would help me more than immolating on my own creature (assuming I am too behind for the damage from my creature to mean anything)
The use of Anti Matter on Zealot really depends on the situation, and honestly made the card more interesting as I described the scenario if I look at it from an outsiders perspective (disregarding the fact that it is my card idea haha)
(Please correct me if I have made any logical or mathematical errors)