Huh, this was a long time ago.. The poll reset reminded me of this 'gem' I had here almost completely forgotten, so (sorry for) a bit of necrobump:
Not so long after Bastet was made, Ghost of the Past was introduced, and since then it turned out to be an extremely efficient middle-attacker with the high damage output in pair with obssession/nightmare/rewind. But everyone's own child is the sweetest, and I don't want to let her go that easy :]
The question mainly is: is she viable enough in the shadow of the Ghost?
This card was made when there was still a gap between Deja Vus and Drakes, while bearing in mind Time's two other (mostly) underused creatures: the Anubis and the Pharaoh. These two cards have a very high potential and even stronger abilities, but their high cost and palying speed makes them useful only in very specialized decks and then, they still lose most of the time against the rushier/faster/more control decks. Now, it would take place between the Ghost and Deja Vu, with a considerably cheaper cost than Ghost but still with a potential high damage (and for Sekhmet, a slightly greater chance to survive). Most possibilities with decks and usage have been discussed before (maybe with the exception of a Death/Time combo), so I shouln't repeat them, but I would like to hear any opinions regarding the card itself, and in comparance with the new and fearsome Ghost of the Past, before she tooks place in the archives.
The major flaw I see, personally, is the Egyptian theme, which we are already connecting Time to, but most people say, it's fine this way, but enough - which I share.
Thank you.