Sorry I'm late, anyway:
When we compare Bastet/Sekhmet with other creatures, these are the ones that come to my mind:
Blue Crawler / Abyss Crawler
3/3 3
6/6 4
Phase Spider / Phase Recluse
4/2 3
7/2 4
Flesh Spider / Flesh Recluse
3/3 3
6/3 3
Mummy / Elite Mummy
5/3 4
5/3 3
As we can see, Bastet by itself is similar to Phase Spider, with +1 cost and +1 HP. With an Anubis or a Pharaoh, it is a +2 attack +1 HP for 1
when compared with Phase Spiders. Keep in mind that Phase Spiders have the web ability too, which seems to be worth about 0.5 quanta.
When compared with Mummies, Bastet is at -1 attack when alone and at +1 attack when protecting.
So, I'd say that unupped, Bastet is roughly equivalent to Mummies and Phase Spiders, while better than Blue Crawlers and Flesh Spiders.
Making it cost 5
would make it worse than all of the above, though.
Now for the upped, it seems that all of the aforementioned creatures gain a HUGE buff, ranging from +3 attack for NO COST, through +3 attack +3 HP for +1 cost, up to +3 attack for 1 cost and in Mummy's case -1 cost.
To be honest, I feel that Sekhmet is underpowered as a result. Phase Recluses are better, since they have 7 attack and an ability (web) without need for another creature. They only have 1 HP less than Sekhmet. Abyss Crawlers beat a lone Sekhmet in every aspect, while a protecting Sekhmet might have 1 more attack, but still 3 less HP. Flesh Recluses might have 1 less attack than a protecting Sekhmet, but they are also cheaper by 1 quanta.
In other words, a protecting Sekhmet is barely keeping up with other upped creatures, while a lone Sekhmet is completely underpowered.
So, my conclusion is that Bastet is good as it is, while Sekhmet definitely needs a buff. I'd give it more HP, since it is a guardian, and Time creatures (except dragons) seem to be rather tough for their cost. 5/5 seems reasonable. This way, it is also less vulnerable to Paradox, since when facing an
player, you might opt not to play anubises/pharaohs and thus keep your creatures with HP equal to attack.
By the way, the nature of the Protector ability is also making Bastet/Sekhmet underpowered when compared with other similar creatures. This is because Bastet/Sekhmet is basically a rush creature, effective in rush decks that aim to win in as few turns as possible. Both Anubis and Pharaoh are creatures that feel better in stall decks. It is possible to rush with Pharaohs, but then you would probably prefer more Pharaohs/Scarabs/Towers rather than Bastets/Sekhmets in such a deck.
Think about a rush deck. You plan to play a number of high attack creatures as early as possible. You can't do so with Bastet/Sekhmet, since you either have to play them before they can get the +2 buff, or you have to play a Pharaoh/Anubis first, which is against the whole idea of rush.