the issue being that in order for that to work you would need to have the weapons and flying weapons come out early and the spells to come out later, and im sure we all know by now how things usually turn out when you need things to come out in a percise order in order to get an optimal output. without defense or some sort of draw acceleration, it would be very unlikely that you would even draw those 18 spells to reach the optimal damage in your set deck. if anything i would replace the quints with SoBes and/or put a few PUs in there. it still would be prone to poor deck positioning with only 6 sources of consistent damage in the deck (the weapons) and if those end up towards the back, you're screwed. i see this as being more of a support weapon that will be a solid addition to any aether, or rainbow, deck that uses some spells, with a bonus if the opponent uses them.