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Elements the Game => Level 2 - Forge => Card Ideas and Art => Forge Archive => Topic started by: moomoose on March 31, 2012, 04:50:30 pm

Title: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: moomoose on March 31, 2012, 04:50:30 pm
Arc Blade
3 :aether
Weapon: deal 4 spell damage at the end of every turn.
Gain 2 damage for each spell cast while in play.
3 :aether
Weapon: deal 5 spell damage at the end of every turn.
Gain 2 damage for each spell cast while in play.
http://www.sxc.hu/photo/457779 http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1331256
Another application of the spell damage mechanic, this weapon grows in power each time a spell is cast while the weapon is in play by either player.  If the weapon is flown after it has grown, it will retain its damage, and since flying weapon is a spell, gain an extra boost as well.

Fulgora is a goddess in Roman Mythology, the personification of lightning.

"Spells" refer to spell cards, not abilities used by creatures, or spell damage done by creatures.
Arc Blade
3 :aether
4|4 when flying
Weapon: deal 4 spell damage at the end of every turn.
Gain 1 damage for each spell cast while in play.
3 :aether
6|4 when flying
Weapon: deal 6 spell damage at the end of every turn.
Gain 2 damage for each spell cast while in play.
http://www.sxc.hu/photo/457779 http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1331256
Another application of the spell damage mechanic, this weapon grows in power each time a spell is cast while the weapon is in play by either player.  If the weapon is flown after it has grown, it will retain its damage, and since flying weapon is a spell, gain an extra boost as well.

Fulgora is a goddess in Roman Mythology, the personification of lightning.

It may need an extra boost from spells than it currently has in order to make it's use worthwhile, input is welcome.  "Spells" refer to spell cards, not abilities used by creatures, or spell damage done by creatures.
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: whatifidogetcaught? on March 31, 2012, 04:56:48 pm
So shields except for Emerald/Jade wouldn't affect it?
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: Drake_XIV on March 31, 2012, 05:01:42 pm
So shields except for Emerald/Jade wouldn't affect it?
And Reflective/Mirror
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: Poker Alho on March 31, 2012, 05:14:52 pm
that image is pretty awesome... upped version seems kinda OP to me considering both versions activate with spells played by both players and spells are not exactly a rare thing in this game
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: moomoose on March 31, 2012, 05:27:39 pm
keep in mind that this growth mechanism requires other cards to function.  lava golem gains +2|+2 for 1 :earth each turn, on its own card, is this OP?  there may be turns that this weapon grows not at all.  if anything, i was thinking the growth mechanic on ths=is weapon could use a boost given it occupies a weapon slot, and is limited by it, unless paired with flying weapon.
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: Poker Alho on March 31, 2012, 05:46:50 pm
keep in mind that this growth mechanism requires other cards to function.  lava golem gains +2|+2 for 1 :earth each turn, on its own card, is this OP?  there may be turns that this weapon grows not at all.  if anything, i was thinking the growth mechanic on ths=is weapon could use a boost given it occupies a weapon slot, and is limited by it, unless paired with flying weapon.
lava golems only grow once each turn (and are prone to CC). This weapon has no real limitation on how much it can grow per turn and in a fast-pace game like this one, speed can be more important than stability.
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: darkrobe on March 31, 2012, 05:58:31 pm
I like this iteration on the spell damage weapon. If you cap it similar to the way farenheight is capped. that might be good. But in general i dont think this is OP.

Edit: I waas only looking at the unupped. the upped might be better if it kept +1 per spell and just had a the 6 attack. not both.
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: moomoose on March 31, 2012, 05:59:42 pm
ill flesh this out:
plus: deals spell damage, ignoring most shields
minus: the spell reflect shields reflect the damage
plus: can grow more than once a turn
minus: it may not grow at all some turns
minus: weapon slot limitation
minus: requires other cards to grow
minus: a single PC can remove it
plus: not susceptible to cc
minus: susceptible to cc when flown
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: ZephyrPhantom on March 31, 2012, 10:21:01 pm
Titan is 5  :gravity + 1 Card for 7 | 8 damage and Momentum (Ignore all shields)
Arc Blade + Lightning Unupped is 5 :aether + 2 Cards for 5 Spell Damage.
Fulgora + Lightning Upped is 4 :aether + 2 Cards for 8 Spell Damage.

IMHO you should lower the upped's starting attack to 5 and raise the unupped 'growth' rate to 2.
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: moomoose on March 31, 2012, 10:36:58 pm
sounds reasonable to me, thanks
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: Rutarete on March 31, 2012, 10:41:27 pm
I like how versatile this card is. Another great card moomoose.
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: jacker on March 31, 2012, 11:01:12 pm
OP in my opinion. I could become a 20 damage wapon in less than 2 turns (Fractal+ROL anyone?)... maybe you could reset the counter whenever it deals damage
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: moomoose on March 31, 2012, 11:07:01 pm
fractal wouldn't be an optimal spell for powering this weapon, RoL or whatever creature it multiplies is irrelevant.
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: Rutarete on March 31, 2012, 11:07:16 pm
OP in my opinion. I could become a 20 damage wapon in less than 2 turns (Fractal+ROL anyone?)... maybe you could reset the counter whenever it deals damage
Is it any more OP than PU?
Compared to PU, this is UP - PU has a much better potential in my opinion.
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: darkrobe on March 31, 2012, 11:27:39 pm
the most ridiculous use of this weapon would be a  :aether :air duo where you have 6 Fulgoras, 6 quints, 6 flying weapons and 6 lightning bolts +  :aether towers. that maxes out with one weapon having... 6 + 2*(18) = 42 spell damage by end game. i still think there should be a cap on the maximum amount of damage.
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: Poker Alho on March 31, 2012, 11:31:40 pm
the most ridiculous use of this weapon would be a  :aether :air duo where you have 6 Fulgoras, 6 quints, 6 flying weapons and 6 lightning bolts +  :aether towers. that maxes out with one weapon having... 6 + 2*(18) = 42 spell damage by end game. i still think there should be a cap on the maximum amount of damage.
i also imagined that deck when i saw this card lol, but at least it would still be vulnerable to CC and PC, although that could power the other swords even more xD
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: Rutarete on March 31, 2012, 11:40:34 pm
the most ridiculous use of this weapon would be a  :aether :air duo where you have 6 Fulgoras, 6 quints, 6 flying weapons and 6 lightning bolts +  :aether towers. that maxes out with one weapon having... 6 + 2*(18) = 42 spell damage by end game. i still think there should be a cap on the maximum amount of damage.
i also imagined that deck when i saw this card lol, but at least it would still be vulnerable to CC and PC, although that could power the other swords even more xD
Just like death + vulture
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: moomoose on March 31, 2012, 11:44:40 pm
the issue being that in order for that to work you would need to have the weapons and flying weapons come out early and the spells to come out later, and im sure we all know by now how things usually turn out when you need things to come out in a percise order in order to get an optimal output. without defense or some sort of draw acceleration, it would be very unlikely that you would even draw those 18 spells to reach the optimal damage in your set deck.  if anything i would replace the quints with SoBes and/or put a few PUs in there. it still would be prone to poor deck positioning with only 6 sources of consistent damage in the deck (the weapons) and if those end up towards the back, you're screwed.  i see this as being more of a support weapon that will be a solid addition to any aether, or rainbow, deck that uses some spells, with a bonus if the opponent uses them. 
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: Anarook on April 01, 2012, 02:13:09 am
I rather like the idea and it's fairly balanced, but I would reduce the upped growth rate down to 1.
Not necesarily OP, does make a nice semi-counter against opponents who run a lot of spells.
It would be rather difficult to properly play a deck around this.
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: jawdirk on April 01, 2012, 07:14:08 am
The real problem with this card is precognition and nova/supernova. Even hourglass is pretty nasty combined with cheap spells. You could fix it by making it much more expensive, or by limiting it to 1 growth on your turn and 1 growth on enemy's turn.
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: moomoose on April 01, 2012, 03:16:20 pm
still dont see it as being an issue, i think building a deck with this card as a focal point would be a mistake, sure its possible, but there are much more optimal means of dealing damage out there.
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: Anarook on April 01, 2012, 06:59:27 pm
still dont see it as being an issue, i think building a deck with this card as a focal point would be a mistake, sure its possible, but there are much more optimal means of dealing damage out there.
This, fractaling would cause more trouble than it's worth really.
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: jawdirk on April 02, 2012, 08:20:22 am
still dont see it as being an issue, i think building a deck with this card as a focal point would be a mistake, sure its possible, but there are much more optimal means of dealing damage out there.
This, fractaling would cause more trouble than it's worth really.
Mark of Air
1st turn: Entropy pendulum.
2nd turn: supernova, Arc blade, supernova, precognition, protect artifact. Attack for 11. On opponent's turn he plays supernova and gets out a flesh recluse and an hourglass.
3rd turn: precognition again, thunderbolt the recluse, deflagrate the hourglass, play a deadly poison, and attack for 21 + 3 poison.

You're on pace for a 7-turn kill, and your deck is loaded with permission. I guess everyone better start packing jade/reflective shield or voodoo doll + freeze.

Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: Poker Alho on April 02, 2012, 12:50:48 pm
still dont see it as being an issue, i think building a deck with this card as a focal point would be a mistake, sure its possible, but there are much more optimal means of dealing damage out there.
This, fractaling would cause more trouble than it's worth really.
Mark of Air
1st turn: Entropy pendulum.
2nd turn: supernova, Arc blade, supernova, precognition, protect artifact. Attack for 11. On opponent's turn he plays supernova and gets out a flesh recluse and an hourglass.
3rd turn: precognition again, thunderbolt the recluse, deflagrate the hourglass, play a deadly poison, and attack for 21 + 3 poison.

You're on pace for a 7-turn kill, and your deck is loaded with permission. I guess everyone better start packing jade/reflective shield or voodoo doll + freeze.
because all the decks are built that way...
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: moomoose on April 02, 2012, 02:25:51 pm
<hand to forehead> there are easier ways to get to a 5 turn win, not to mention you created a singularity on turn 2.
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: darkrobe on April 02, 2012, 04:52:22 pm
this isnt that stable. I really dont think its op. any deck that builds around this is going to have to pack a ton of spells. and at best it wont be any better than some of the other decks out there. with one major drawback, a single reflective shield will wipe out your offense.
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: Drake_XIV on April 02, 2012, 10:33:44 pm
this isnt that stable. I really dont think its op. any deck that builds around this is going to have to pack a ton of spells. and at best it wont be any better than some of the other decks out there. with one major drawback, a single reflective shield will wipe out your offense.
This.  And it's going to take some time to even rack up power.  I mean, unless you run something made to buff a swarm of Flying Arc Blades, which isn't exactly going to be fast, this is just a standard beatstick weapon.  With Spell damage.
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: Poker Alho on April 02, 2012, 11:06:43 pm
hum a deck centered i nthis card could work as a raimbow with all kinds of bolts and one-time CC that can target player plus precog to get more swords faster and power the others that are already out... ok i would like to see this card in-game ASAP xD
Title: Re: Arc Blade | Fulgora
Post by: storyteller on April 05, 2012, 10:27:34 pm
mono aether with this, animate weapon, lightning bolts and silences. very nasty very quick, puts it on par with Fahrenheit.