Pretty wild change! I think I preferred the original, but let's see...
I can see pros and cons to this but on the whole I think it's more powerful. You can't use it on the first turn, but you can not only change your target but also choose two/three. I can see that getting pretty expensive at 2

per use, I'm not sure if it should be cheaper.
Personally I think 'so what' if so far spell damage is an Aether thing. Growth is not limited to

, nor Infect to

. I don't think you should worry about the coding either: if Zanz really wanted to put this card in the game I'm sure he'd find a way. Nope still perfer the original! =P
With a card like this the 1-turn delay could be pretty upsetting. It could mean the difference between your creature getting burned/frozen by a shield, and it gives the opponent a short window to prepare for a reflective shield (as well as simply deflagration). Also I have generally never been a fan of Aether/Time together. Please show me a nice duo and I'll consider changing my mind. As I see it, they're pants and Anubis does little to make up for it.
Anyway rant done I think I said 1 or 2 useful things anyway! =P