Not sure if its been said before, I haven't seen it but it seems really obvious: This card in a deck that uses phase shields...and possibly PA as well. Think about it...You PA this, then have a reasonable chance of drawing extra PA's, phase shields and creatures. The extra shields let you stay invulnerable for the entire game, not just 2/3 of it (approximately), the extra PA's mean you can continue protecting the extra shields that you get, and the extra creatures are also immortal, not to mention you also get extra pillars to pay for some of the extra cards quanta-wise. I'm not sure exactly how much better that would make the deck, because it may just end up slowing that sort of deck down, but it's just something to think about.
It may also be OP in a rainbow anti-FG deck because it would allow for more permanents to be drawn, causing the FG's permanent control to be insufficient. The main permanent i'm talking about here would be a SoG. SoG's are really cheap as it is for such a good effect, and drawing more of them would be even more amazing...
On the other hand, this would be a cool card in combination with a bunch of time cards:
-anything that lets you draw faster would be more effective, making precognition much more useful in non-rush decks
-reverse time lets you get even more creatures, eternity has unlimited reverse times, making it kinda cool for this (not that useful, but still kinda cool =P)