i tested both decks against quite a lot decks, and they should be fine, a bit like a rock-paper-scissors with advantage on our side (if we havent missed something)
only the pendulums in the gaboid-deck, i dont like. (i love pillars,) why?
- imagine you have a pendulum and a nova on hand, first turn, you play it and youll get 2 fire and 2 earth quanta 2nd turn, and 2 fire 4 earth 3rd turn. => you still cannot play a graboid NOR a ragepot!
- pendulums are usefull to get more grabbies in the middle or late game, but there you should be in front (more novas=> faster win), you need the fire quanta much more (with the amount of 26 AND a pumper) and "only" 15 earth quanta, a tower is fragile and the chance is greater to have more of fire cards at hand, you cannot play then graboids (only 5)!
- i know, rng sometimes make you feel like "damn, i would need more earth quanta", that could be true (but with 50% fire cards we are a bit limited), and this deck is based on nova to rush, so it has bad draws - like every other deck too - but pendulums destroy a bit the average draw - in my opinion.
*edit*: but TFO has to be fine with the deck, thats most important, if you feel better with the 2 pendulums, you should keep them.