Explosion cost increased to 3/2 - one of the few changes that helps us. Pretty much forces all teams to use 2 ups for deflags in their novabows.
immogolem is still playable, but susceptible to CC, so only use against likely stalls?
Quanta pool capped at 75 quanta per element - minimal impact, but bolts max out at 24 damage and fahrenheit maxes out at 19
1. or it means less explosions against us (not that many), so we should go with at least one shieldlock-deck (mentioned immospirits in deck-idea thread, cause we dont need the cards in other decks (so no problem with the 24-cap), it could surprise our opponents and - already mentioned - maybe less shields
2. immogolem is weak against cc, yes, but maybe not so much used against us, cause with the immonerf theyll maybe exspect more control decks, on the other hand also the max-quanta nerf
3. the quanta-limit is why i suggested the sundial-bolt (as possibility) for master/lt., cause you dont have to waste your bolts there on early creatures, you just "control" them with the sundials, fast quanta-generation with the additional draw, less explosions and really nice to play