killsdazombies vs Hyroen
-3 Gnome Rider -2 Lava Golem -3 Spark -1 Fog Shield -6 Immolation -5 Ash Eater (vault)
godisnowonline vs Naesala
-5 Fire Bolt -3 Fahrenheit -4 Wings -2 Deflagration [-1 Fire Shield -3 Shard of Bravery] (vault)
xn0ize vs fabian771
-6 Shard of Void -4 Sundial -3 Fire Bolt -2 Deflagration -1 Vampire Stiletto -4 Shard of Bravery (vault)
theelkspeaks vs hainkarga
-5 Immolation -4 Shard of Freedom -3 Fractal -2 Phoenix [-1 Reverse Time -1 Titanium Shield -1 Short Sword -1 Immolation -2 Ash Eater] (vault)
TheonlyrealBeef vs Jenkar
-6 Immolation -3 Spark -3 Gnome Rider -2 Iridium Warden -6 Lava Golem (1 from vault)
Leaving us with no Immo, which is ok considering all the Bone Walls we're about to get.