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This is a mono
deck! I have named it
All-Burning Fire I find it best suited for pvp, but it also dominates AI3 and does well in AI4. It is personally one of my favorites.
The strategy has different branches to win! It can counter most popular deck types.
-If your opponent is a creature controller, and wont let your creatures land a single blow, or if they do they die, The Deflags, fire bolts and Fahrenheits come in handy. The Deflags take away the things that also counter Fahrenheit, and the Fahrenheit deals damage to the enemy when your creatures wont be able to do anything. If you have massive quantities of fire quanta and don't use it for any of the monsters, the Fahrenheit is lethal. In this way, you want to get your Fahrenheit out first. The fire bolts should be used only when you have above 75 fire quanta if used on the enemy himself. Deflag only the necessary, and use spells limitedly and fire shield only if you need to.
-If your opponent is not a creature controller, and doesnt have an esspecially relevent tactic, USE THOSE CREATURES! Especcially the phoenixs. Those things are Quite powerful and should be used to their utmost potential. In this situation, the fire spirits are most useful if they are in your starting hand, and thus when you should play them should be within the first 3 turns. After that, save your quanta for the phoenixes. If you have the choice of bumping up your fire spirit or saving up and playing a phoenix next turn, choose the phoenix. if you get Fahrenheit, play it. Fire shield play too if it is useful and does not hinder you from playing creatures. Use the creature control spells wisely and sparingly if possible. Rage potion will take care of most dangers, but save up some quanta if the creature is too vital so that you can use fire bolt once you have above 10 quanta to give that extra kick you need. You will usually have an abundant supply of quanta in this situations, so use those monsters.
-If your opponents is a quanta controller/permanent controller (ex: steals, discords, devourers, earthquakes, etc.), then those fire spirits are your new best friends. Dont bother with Fahrenheit, or anything else that would not benefit you in this situation. Primarily use the fire spirits. Play them as soon as you can, and bump them up consistantly to destroy the quantum denier.
90 electrum for the 15 fire pillars
106 electrum for the 1 crimson dragon
104 electrum for the 4 fire spirits
54 electrum for the 2 fire bolts
120 electrum for the 2 fire shields
54 electrum for the 2 deflagrations
206 electrum for the 2 rain of fire's
57 electrum for the 1 rage potion
309 electrum for the 3 phoenixes
Total cost: 1100 electrum for the entire deck (except Fahrenheits)
The Fahrenheits are impossible to buy at this time (and im pretty sure forever), and you can only get them through slots and tournaments. They are however sort of neccesary in this deck. You really only need one tho. Two if you have it.
PROS-overall good deck
-extremely flexible gameplay style
-you can substitute most cards in this deck
-quanta is rarely an issue
-great defensive, better offensive
-cards are pretty common in spins
CONS-all creatures have low life and are VERY VERY VERY susceptible to skeleton shields. They also get damaged easily and can be wiped out quickly. The phoenix counters this, but will really be screwed over if the opponent has a skelly shield.
-Aether phasey decks. Yeah, we all hate facing them. This deck will sometimes win, but it wont win definitely. If you face this guy, you need to make an army of creatures (preferably fire spirits), buff them up (fire spirits), and when you are as far as you can go without dying within the next 2-3 turns, deflag his phase shield. Then the army will do an amazing amount of damage. Repeat the destroying of shields process if you can and then deal more damage. Then use those fire bolts if you can deal damage and hopefully kill him. He is still a challenge to face, and is a weakness against this deck.
-You're not going to beat a false god with this. yeah, not really a con as much as the obvious.