I've been using this deck for a while now and I wanted to post it so here it is:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f2 5f2 5f2 5f4 5f4 5f5 5f5 5f6 5f6 5f6 5f7 5f7 5f8 5fc 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 7ds 7ds 8po
When I say ambush strategy, I mean that you lower your opponent's heath with 1 or 2 creatures then play everything else in your hand to avoid shields,scarabs,otyugh,miracle(one ai3 has it), and CC.
It also helps to know the ai3 you are against so you can play everything the right way.
Against mono aether:Save your deflags for lobos,mingate, and dimensional shields. No pc but be aware of lightnings. Draw them out with phoenixes. Play fire shield to kill of most of it's creatures quickly and can be fire bolted to death. Usually starts with one or two pillars so take advantadge. Ambush strategy:Optional
Against time-light:Get out fire shield ASAP and fire bolt scorpions on sight. Destroy sundial and procastination. Rush this one and Ambush:NO!!!
Against entropy-life: kill fallen elves and maxwell demon. Fire shield helps a lot due to many low health creatures.Destroy empathic bonds. BE AWARE OF DISCORD AND BUTTERFLY EFFECT!!Ambush: Yes if it has early fallen elf or demon and no fire bolt.
Against air-light:Deflag owls eye and and kill any endowed crusader. BE AWARE OF
MIRACLE!!Can be hard if starts out with plenty of pillars. Don't deflag wings.Ambush:Optional if it does'nt rush you.
Against entropy-death: Draw out plagues with phoenixes. KILL THE CATS! Destroy soul catchers and an Arsenic and try ot to kill too much stuff. Be aware of a pandemonium and maxwells demon. Ambush: No because of bonewall.
Against entropy-dark: Rush this guy as soon as possible and do not play rain of fire and fire shield. Destroy dusk mantle and vampire dagger or the nightfall. Phoenixes are extremly useful against
6 PANDEMONIUMS. Don't play fahrenheit unless he doesn't have butterfly effect or already used a steal. Ambush:No
Air-life-light: Rush this ASAP because of the hope shield and owls eye. Deflag owl's eye and kill fire flies with fire shield and Rain of Fire. Oh and draw out the 3 shockwaves with your phoenixes. Ambush: NO NO NO NO!!!!!
Earth-gravity: You an rush him for EM because this guy rarely gets out a creature. Kill auburn nymph and deflag pulverizer. Be aware of an otyugh.plus one of the worst decks.
Mono gravity with sparks:"One of the weakest decks" Well just rush this guy and kill any thing dangerous(otyugh etc.).
Better rush than stall.
Fire-water: Kill steam machines before they get out of hand. Kill red nymph if it pops up and deflag fahrenheit and ice shield. Sometimes starts off with 1 fire pillar so deflag it. Watch out for rain of fire so rush him.
Fire-darkness:Try to hold out long enough until this ai uses rage on a voodoo doll. If you don't, your phoenixes and the ash might be killed of and be careful of 3 steals and 3 deflags.
Iwill update this regularly.