my fire deck uses most of the same cards, but my current mix is:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f2 5f2 5f3 5f3 5f3 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f5 5f6 5f6 5f6 5f7 5f7 5fc 5fc 5fc 5fc 5fc 5fc 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 8po
The win percentage is way higher than 90%, in fact i regulary win even if i have a really bad pillar draw, against A3's at least. Against bronze leagues the odds drop, but i have had several 6 wins in a row. I mainly use this deck to gain rating, as 20-30 wins in a row against A3's is the norm.
Decks that give it problems are those dimensional shield ones. Poison decks can usually be outspeeded.
Why this particular mix?
1) Dragons are a bit too vulnerable to CC. Usually i play them only after a Phoenix or 2 are already on the field, and have drawn some cc. Even then against an entropy deck i usually keep em in hand till the pandamonium or 2 has been played.
2) Phoenixes are great to draw enemy cc. Against cc heavy opponents i usually play only phoenixes as creatures till their hand is empty or nearly so.
3) Fire Spirits are cheap creatures that can be decisive if the enemy has little cc. A 14-2 fire spirtit or two means i dont even need other creatures.
4) Farenheits are great as when i get a pillar flood one farenheit can win the match for me all by itself.
I only have 2 as even with only two i get both of them at the same time on a regular basis. By itself isnt that too bad when it gets defragged or stolen, but 3+ in the same hand is a pain.
5) the single fire shield makes the fight against scarabs/fireflies much more even. It doesnt help all that much against poison decks, and can even hurt you in voodoo decks or when it gets stolen. I never want two fire shields in the same hand, so only 1 is sufficient.
6) The Fire bolts are finishers, and CC all in one. Typically i only use them for CC when i need to for example an otyugh/fallen elf/maxwells demon etc is on the loose. Against green creature rush cockatrice/horned frog decks i typically use them early and often, delaying the opponents tempo is worth it. Sometimes i wait to see which one gets adrelined, for example if i only have 1 firebolt in hand.
7) I dont use rains of fire, because it only woks in a limited number of cases.
> If the cratures are targetable,
>And not voodoo dolls
>and there are multiple
>and their hitpoints are low enough that a rain of fire matters
>and there arent so many that they kill you anyway next turn
then they can be useful, for 7 mana.
What they wont do is help you against a deck where all enemy creatures cant be targeted etc. Most importantly, they wont lower your opponents hp at all.
8 ) I use both pillars and pendulums to limit the effects of enemy earthquakes. 16 of them is on the mana heavy side, but they reduce mana screws, and provide firebolt/farenheit fuel. Drawing nothing but pillars and farenheits/firebolts usually is a win. At 60 mana, the first firebolt is 21 dmg, with 4 firebolts in hand, fired at 60,57,54,51 mana this does 75 dmg all by itself.
9 ) 3 Deflagarations (defrags for short) is usually more than enough, but against those dimensional shields you will wish for more. If you have the lifepoints, and his attack is still weak, consider waiting out the first one while you boost up your fire spirits, and deploy more phoenixes, and allow your mana to go up. The attack will hit him that much harder, and even if he deploys a second one the one turn of attacking you get when you defrag is shield can do enough damage combined with firebolts in the last turn before you get killed.
Most weapons are worth destroying too, like discord/owls eye/titan/etc.
You only need to destroy shields if they stop you. You can ignore the gravity shield for instance, and 1-2 damage absorbtion is no big deal. Freezing/Infecting/Fire/miss shields are a big deal, and you should try to always have at least 1 defrag for those, even if it means not using it at all for other targets.