I can see that the people saying i need more earth have a point, in a good game i DO run out of extra earth and can only upgrade one golem per turn however and i cant capatalize the following statement enough:
please, if you have been playing at high levels for a bit and you want to comment, try actually making the deck and playing a few hands in 30coin pvp with it.
Here is why you are wrong:
to start with, it takes a few turns to actually get a golem out there, during this time the extra earth builds up and by the time you actually have two+ golems out there the game is moderatley advanced, by the time you have run out of extra earth ( assumeing you havent had your quanta stolen or shifted to a different type ) the game is in its later stages
This deck isnt about hanging around healing and shielding etc like you do in the more advanced arenas.
This deck is for newbie 30 coin pvp and the games end fairly quickly
The entire point to this deck is that you can be fairly sure that your going to have a few fire pillars in your starting hand and your not going to be choked up with cards that you cant use because you dont have the quanta, thats why there is only one rain/shield and so few other creatures
The reason i win a lot more then i lose is because its
reliable, im going to get a decent draw(most of the time), im going to have the cards i need, when i need them.
Yes when i have several golems out and i have run out of extra earth it would be nice to keep upgradeing them all instead of just 1 per turn but in reality the game has already been decided by then.......
There are several decks that can be troublesome but the deflags and bolts tend to deal with most of the decks that use more advanced strategys and the simplicity of this deck is why it wins.
If i had extra earth i would spend it on earthquakes not multiple golem growths per turn at the very end of the game
I am worried about getting those quakes at the start of the game and not being able to rely on getting pillars though..
Play a few rounds with this cheap deck in 30coin and come back and tell me if you think im wrong