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[R4]: Artist Task https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61575.msg1228210#msg1228210
« on: March 21, 2016, 07:33:09 pm »

So the great and mighty Fabian has been dealing with some heavy issues and has been unable to fill in the only weakness me and Meow have, here at FHM 2 girls 1 brawl. As a result, I've had to step in. This is going to be horrid.

Seeing I'm going to abyssmally fail at this task, I decided to try something... Very, very different.

Spoiler for Hidden:
Before the war that destroyed the crowns, elements lived in alliances and harmony, to the point of symbiosis. Across the world, you will see lost relics of this age from time to time, but none are as rare or as held in such high esteem as the Zenith Cubes.

The aether mages were the greatest at teleporting to and fro, acting as merchants and guides, but these portals were fragile and easily disruptible. The earth mages wanted to be able to sell their high, high quality smithery, and struck a good deal with Aether. They build stronger teleporters, and they be allowed to use them.

It was an immediate success, with Zenith Cubes being used both in the sky and in the space between dimensions. Even though those who sided with aether overtook them and turned them into horrific siege engines, There is still an eerie sense of camaraderie, even after the last peaceful inhabitants of these cubes past away aeons ago. All those signs, all those little secrets. All those things only friends would do to each other.

So yeah. Instead of just painting it, I sculpted out a small map for you lot to have a bit of an exploration in. I've hid a few secrets, too. In case you missed it:

And for the righteous who don't want their computer to catch AIDS by downloading roblox, here's some beauty shots:
Spoiler for Hidden:

