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[R2] Writer's Task https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61429.msg1226666#msg1226666
« on: March 07, 2016, 10:11:23 pm »
Discord took a shower at the cover of twilight, as she felt the water dampen her tassels, her hair, and her spirits. After the brutal death of her best friend by her own hands in this very room, Discord felt like she had been altered. As she toweled herself down, she stared into the mirror opposite the stall, which betwichingly reflected a time long ago; bottles seemed more filled with content, and with not a single bag of waste to be found. Normally she would have deftly cleaned up such garbage - or not even let it collect in the first place - but not this time, or any time close to now.

The laptop screen glared at the young depressed. Her only solace was silently judging her as she just... let go. She went into the gritty cupboard on the right, used to be filled with toiletries, and got out another can of coke. She could stay in this one bathroom forever... Never to (un)grace the outside world. It was beyond her.

On that laptop, she would play, replay, and cherish the memories of that one departed. Look at that one time she played the swings with him. That one time she dressed as a kitten and pulled a prank on another close friend... She forgot that one. That one time she sang at a group, worried to her bones, and they applauded... She forgot that one too. That one time she played that fractal on that singularity, just to make him laugh.

That one time.
That one time she killed him.
That one time she let it happen.
That one time she never buried him.
That one time ignored all others.

Except there were so many other times to remember and recall. Just because this one time destroyed her life, doesn't mean there were other singular times to fall back on. She realised this, but her body didn't.

Days passed and withered. All these memories removed returned. Perhaps in slight, this solace was a solstice, a watershed of the then and now... Assuming there was a now. There had to be a now. ... There should be a now. There will be a now.

She took a deep breath. She decided it was time. There would now be a now. As she stood, she could hear time twist and turn, just making her more nervous. There was no danger there, except the danger of being judged, of being accused.

Discord unlocked the bathroom door, and her senses fired in all directions. What a broken flurry of colour, but everything was there exactly as she remembered it; the kittens were even nestling next to the door, starved. If nothing else, her pets, Krinkles and Sodoms wanted to be with her. There was comfort in that.

Discord struggled to go downstairs, leaning against the bannister. All the coke seemed to give her legs the beginning signs of osteoporosis. The stench of rotting corpse intensified, but there a strange entangling of flowers and sweetness added, as if a fae was trying to greet her in these dark times.

The living room was entered, and the place was filled with emptied tins of cat food, savagely opened. The clever littl'ns must've jumped up onto the counter-top and knocked them down... Although how they were opened was beyond her, except it was obviously done by them.

Of course, though, the more important substance was the... Not completely revolting corpse of her first friend. There were bouquets, with hues of white and purple, placed around the sofa, as if the cushions were a form of coffin.

She knew what had to be done. Krinkles and Sodoms pushed through the brittle catflap, pushing at the door to the gardens to go wide open. It was a blissful, but sombre snowstorm, as a sheening moon glistened in the black.

She grabbed a large shovel, and dug a hole. She grabbed a larger shovel, and dragged her friend to it. But such a burial this late was barely enough of an apology... She struggled back into the cluttered kitchen.

She looked above the fridge for the one item she wanted; a small, silver box. but couldn't find it until her foot tripped on it; the cats must've displaced it. With the silver box in hand, she prepared her final farewells.

"Goodbye, Anon," she whispered.
She lit the corpse on fire, to cleanse all the evil it had faced.
She lit herself on fire, to cleans all the evil she had done.
She lit the cats on fire, because by this point I'm just trying to make you sob so I might as well torture everyone ffs.

Goodbye, Anon.

Spoiler for Disclaimer:
I mean no offense to discord. I'm simply using her because of communication breakdowns. Please don't kill me for exploiting the feels. I WAS RUSHED OKAY

