I haven't played this deck, and maybe doing so will help me understand, but just looking at the deck doesn't help me understand how the deck should be played. My best guess would be 'Use Nightmare, Silence, and Octopi/Shield to stall the opponent while the high-damage Dagger and Recluses beat down the opponent', right?
The only good sources of damage are two Recluses, TU, and two Weapons (which you can't use at the same time without Animate Weapon), so I'm tempted to say the deck lacks damage. Due to lack of damage, this deck looks like it grinds your opponent into submission slowly; Silence is the kind of thing you put in rushes, since if you're slowly grinding down the opponent over many turns, their losing a turn to Silence doesn't hurt much.
What is the Nymph supposed to do, really? Recluses have too little HP, while Ulitharid and Arctic Octopi have too little attack, so there don't seem to actually be any good targets for Liquid Shadow outside of a good TU target (and the AI's horrible at deciding just what a "good TU target" is).
Massive quanta problems.