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Herald the Serf spent most his days wallowing in the filth surrounding his lord's estate. The majority of his conversations were had with wandering insects drudged up by the all too familiar rainfall. The storms were so frequent that hardly an herb would grow upon his designated fields, much to the displeasure of his supervising council. He and his fellow serfs burdened the majority of the blame for such woeful inadequate production and were punished by a reduction of their predetermined share of provisions. Herald knew this was wrong, but at the time was powerless, his voice would not be heard, the council had their minds steadfastly set, what is and what should always be. As long as the persons in charge liked their lives as they were, Herald and his fellow man would struggle for survival. Desperate for aid, Herald ventured out to the neighboring forbidden cliffs, the realm of the behemoths, in hopes to convince them to aid he and the rest of his lower class folk in talking sense to their ruling regime. On the path just outside the most remote village of the kingdom, he encountered a dragon cub, teetering on the brink of death. Herald believed if he were to aid the cub in recovery and return, it may be just what he needs to get the dragon-folk to act on his behalf. That was the last anyone had heard of Herald the Serf, until today...