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Theme: Outcasts- Broken Knight https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=18944.msg241593#msg241593
« on: January 06, 2011, 12:57:24 pm »
Broken Knight 

We were abandoned. Left for dead. And all we did was uphold our own faith.
We believed in them. We believed them to be gods. And they betrayed us.
They left us to rot, deserted in lands which we heard only stories. Stories which their purpouse was to scare little children into behaving.
Now we were to survive in this god forsaken barren, with nothing but our hope. But we did so much more.
They thought us to be holy warriors? Oh we were.
But now we shall show them all what it's like to be forgotten in the lands of horror, as we suck every drop of life from our enemies. Be them gods or not. And then we shall be the gods.
And we will bring them justice. And show them even a Broken Knight  can be victorius.

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The Broken Knight, might seem at first as a typical Vampire Crusader deck at first, but as you can clearly see there is the aspect of a RoL-Hope in there as well.
It might be tricky to defeat Broken Knight if you do not possess a good perma/cc in your deck, as those RoL will bring an intense defense coupled with the Hope shield, while the Crusader will constantly be buffed and deal huge dmg and even heal. And to be an even more evil bastard, he has Steals. Deal with it.
To sum it up, defensively and offensivly, Broken Knight is hard if you let him set up. But I do think that rush decks such as normal RoL-Hope fractal, and maybe even a Shakar deck could handle it easily.

