Charger highstepping, the King rode across the front line of his army. It was small, but every soldier in it had discipline, had experience, and had a fanatic zeal that would drive them to give their very lives in service to their King: the LIONHEART.
"MEN!" he began. "Today is the day that they will write about in the tales of minstrels, of bards and skalds the world over! Arm the siege machines! Ready your chargers! When this day is done, win or lose, our bravery will be legend! The enemy is diverse, and myriad: elementals of all manner decend upon us, eager to claim to be among those elite few who have challenged the Gods -- and lived!"
The King raised his glowing blade, and the soldiers raised theirs in response. "With the help of God's angels, and the eldritch forces of the Nymphs of Tir'na'nog, we shall raise the hammers of justice, and bring them down upon our foes with the pure love and righteous anger of the true Warriors of the LIONHEART! ARE YOU READY TO DIE?" he bellowed loudly enough the the furthest of his troops could hear.
"YES!" they responded with fervent passion. "YES!" their cries echoed from the surrounding hills. "YES!" their own voices sang back to them of the glory that lay ahead.
The king donned his battle helmet and signaled for the standard to be raised.
"Then let us WAR!!!"
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LIONHEART is a rushing God that brings lots and lots of quick Momentum to the table, and backs it up with healing for both himself and his minions. This should walk right through most CCYB/CHMD type rainbows that rely on Permafrost/Phase Shield and limited healing to stay alive. With both Morning Glory and Titan having the same cost, he won't play one over the other, and I don't see any other major AI problems. The shield-wise defense is almost nil, but what is there will speed up the attack a bit, and a pair of Miracles could make this fight much longer than looks like it will be.
In most games, the Crusaders will end up getting the Blessings, but on the off chance that an Animated Titan picks one up, it will get spread between all of the new Crusaders that pop up. Trebuchets offer a chance to get in some last-shot damage through any strong shields in case Lobo comes to play -- mostly just to be a pain to any RoL-Hope or Retro-Bonewall decks that take a shot at it.
On the other hand, there are significant weaknesses here: Antimatter will do a lot of damage to this deck, as will repeatable CC, particularly an early Eternity that can undo all of the Animate Weapons. And Lionheart has virtually no control at all -- just 2 lone Gravity Forces which are more intended to be used on Titans than not, but will probably end up sitting uselessly on an opponent's creature until an Archangel or unendowed Crusader comes along to deal some damage.