Yay Ghostmare!
That purify will mess something like SPlat up, Intosis looks pretty do-able, only 4 explosions.
I like the name.
I'm sure SPlat is also pretty do-able, given how hard it is to draw the purify. As you can see from the screen-shot, it used both hourglasses and still only drew it 3 turns away from dying. In addition, I was using a 3-SoD variant, so there could have been a chance to live after the first purify.
Oh yeah yeah yeah, sorry of it came across like SPlat couldn't win. Purify is just deadlier to SPlat than Explosion is to Intosis.
Yeah, having 6-SoD variant might have survived. The way I play it (in the Arena) is if I'm purified it is over. BUT, if I was facing this FG and knew there was a chance of Purify, I would play it safer.