When making a Firefly deck in Arena, I noticed I had too many creatures to go pillarless. I had Damsels, Flies and Minor Phoenixes. That's 12x3, which is too much above 23, the max amount of creatures on the board at one time. This will have 4x12 to play, not counting Blights and subtracting by 12 due to Cremations. This is a problem that limits its offensive power, which is already very low at the start of the game. Why is this a problem? Because FG killers are stronger mid- and late-game and most won't have much trouble with this FG.
If you want this FG to be easy-medium, it's fine as is. But if you want the Bonds to be useful, I would suggest adding a shield that reduces damage by at least 2 (such as Jade). As it is, it won't deck out RoL/Hope and often fail against the Pulvy and Permafrost of CCYB. It's more or less a farm for Voodoo decks and decks like IGT won't be terribly bothered (though it will give it some problems). MA is a toss-up, a bit like vs. Elidnis.