Ok, back to this...
I have tested a few mods. Played vs this (removed PC and added a few potions to use in creatures, and replaced Arsenic by BW, would be skull shield, but, well, the point is make him a little easier):
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u5 71b 74c 77f 7aj 7dr 7gs 7k5 7k5 7k5 7k5 7k5 7k5 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n5 7q8 7te 80e 8pq
Almost rushed it with VNG. He won when had 3HP. Iwould have win, got a good hand, but Discord troubled me. In fact, this FG usually get a slow start.
Defeated it using CCYB. In fact, Im currently at 3-2 vs this version.
1st victory I didnt got SS because the final blow was from his own 'raged and vampired' Titan I played AM on. I got a good start: Permafrost, 2 Shards and quinted Destroyer on turn 2. Also got lucky, I have played my Pulvy to destroy Spine, but had low HP and destroyed some weapons instead. Then 2 crusaders got Pulvy skill and destroyed my Hourglass and Pulvy. Surely Permafrost would be the next, but both crusader got freeze, lol.
2nd victory is here:
I took advantage that he had little gravity quanta and put Pulvy in play, starting to destroy his towers. Luckily, he already had spent one of his LS in one crusader, so I could put my destroyer in play and pray for no rage potion. Could Fractal crusaders and those helped a lot, like permafrost and AMed crusader.
3rd victory was EM:
Got early Flayer in play, and dunno if he couldnt or didnt want kill it, but I loboed a lot of weapons. Looks like he got bad luck drawing crusaders, too. Well, I took control of the table and wouldnt need the AMs, played them just to get EM.
Looks like its still dangerous, but of course much easier, because most anti FG decks are weak vs PC. I think its playable, maybe easier than it should be. Maybe I could put the Steals back, cause AI really doesnt know how to use LS. Options are: Cloak (but just 2 in the deck probably wouldnt matter), Siphon Life, and the Dagger too.
Any opinions?