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Frozen during the Harsh winter
I rise once again
The army of Death has risen
and is here to stay
They know war is here
But I remember
When I was little
Daughter of the Sun
Not anymore
I rise as the Master
Master of death
Master of the Dark
I remember loving life
Cherishing it
Being happy
But now I am angry
People think
Drowning me
or Burning me
Doesn't hurt
I'll show them
When Eclipse comes
They rise from the Grave
Red with AngerBackground: Morana is the Slavic Goddess of Death(Some people consider her Death and Nature). Her brother Jarillo(maybe her brother, it is unsure, since they are from two different father: Perun and Veles, Veles is the stepfather or actual father of Jarillo, yet again unsure.) is associated with the moon as Morana is the daughter of the Sun( you probably got some info from the little poem). Morana is daughter of Perun, and Morana and brother were born on the Great Night( First night of the New year). Morana and Jarillo marry during the summer and Jarillo is unfaithful with Morana. Morana then kills him. Morna withers and Freezes that winter. She turns into the Goddess of Death and Frost.
P.S. first ??? is deathstalker(upped) second is a vampire
EDIT: This may be a false god but i dont know( death and darkness duo)