The hope is useless when all the RoLs are cremated which leaves 2 options: remove the hope, or remove the cremations
I suggest removing Hope since we're on a theme anyways. The fallen one's sin is Pride and one of the sin's manifestations is underestimating one's enemies. For this False God, that should manifest in the total disregard of defense. Besides, Hope might not be the best virtue for someone who is very angry and hopeless.
I have three responses to this and they all feel vastly different. I'd advice to read them separately, not as a single paragraph, or they'd be confusing. :p
*The hope, like most cards in this deck, is there for thematic reasons. An alternative way to make it more useful would be to remove the brimstone eaters and add in 2 more RoLs.
*The fallen angel is ambivalent; there are life-destructive and life-enhancing potentials. There
is hope... as much as there are destructive flames; and yet fire has always had a cleansing quality. I've tried to represent that two-sidedness.
*Another way to put it which would fit the darker side of the thematic far better: It is false hope... represented by the lack of entities that radiate light (good), the ones that do being ritually sacrificed/murdered to fuel the fire.