Shard of Readiness could find a place in this deck. Unless AI uses it on Crusader before endow is done of course.
FG's don't use shards and hopefully never will, though that is an interesting idea.
Given the reliance on QT's for different quanta and lack of Supernovas to get off-mark quanta (unlike Destiny) a possible counter in my opinion would be a Earth-Gravity duo that is Quicksand heavy. Throw in a protected Gravity Shield to stop some of the bigger weapons and Crusader that has been endowed with anything (except Titan) and you should be good to go. 6 SoG to take care of healing and it should be a straightforward Deck-out win. The traditional 500 EM deckout deck should work fine. That being said, I like the idea because a couple of other decks would be ripped apart by its versatility.