I know, these proposals don't seem to be doing anything, but hey, it's fun to make false god decks anyway.
Unlike Dark Matter, chance of this god using double/triple+ BH per turn is slim, which means only rainbow decks should be affected badly early on by quanta control.
3x Mark, 2 copies of following cards:
744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 749 74a 74a 74a 74a 74a 74a 74c 74f 74f 74f 74f 74f 74f 7qd 7qd 7qd 7qd 7qd 7qd
If you want to pretend that you are this FG, go into trainer, set more quanta to x100, but do not let gravity quanta go below 100 and only play 1 scorp per turn.