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Offline PlayerOaTopic starter

  • Master of Time
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  • PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.
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  • Awards: Slice of Elements 13th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 12th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament Winner (2020.12.20.)14th Trials - Master of Time2nd Elements Reunion Day Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 11th Birthday CakeElements League 3/2019 1st Place13th Trials - Master of TimeWinner of Elements Infinity War #1Silver DonorWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerElements League 2/2019 1st PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerElements League 1/2019 3rd PlaceSlice of Elements 10th Birthday Cake1st Elements Reunion Day Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament Winner7th Trials - Master of TimeWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 3rd Birthday CakeWar #4 Winner - Team DeathWeekly Tournament WinnerMS Paint Card Art #4 WinnerSlice of Elements 2nd Birthday Cake
Theme: Outcasts - White Warrior https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=19039.msg242609#msg242609
« on: January 07, 2011, 08:24:00 pm »
White Warrior
Code: [Select]
6tt 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u7 719 71a 74c 74d 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7k5 7k5 7k5 7k5 7k5 7k5 7n0 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n5 7q5 7tb 7ti 80h 80hLong time ago, in the Land of Myths, the war between the Nice and the Evil was running. Children ran from a place to another in fear of the war. Noone really liked this war, but each part knew if they laid the swords down, they would die.
One day, the White Warrior, the nicest of the nicest, though the most brutal living in this universe came to the Land of Myths. He took the weapons from all fighters, and crafted them all to a giant sword. He used the sword to divide the land in two parts, and from that moment the Land of Myths became peaceful.

The White Warrior wants new fights. And THIS is his chance.
War #3 - Life || War #4 - Death || War #5, #6, #7, #9, #13, #14 - Time || War #8, #12 - Air

